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Delta Dawn When the Light Comes On: Week 3

'To the victor goes the spoils'. 'Victor' is a word that denotes God's Character. "Before honor is humility." Proverbs 15:33 First recorded in Genesis 12. Abram is greeted by Melchizedek with wine and bread – communion. Abram gives tithes of all. Notice! he doesn't accept anything from the rogue king lest that king say he had made Abram rich. 'Robin Hood' stories begin!

Samuel, the prophet, became morose because Israel's first king, Saul, had failed to honor God - or Samuel. God sent him to anoint another king. David was chosen because "he is a man after God's own heart." King David's goal, from his youth, was to honor the Almighty God. Yes, there was a prize or two for killing Goliath, but David believed in God's covenant rights. He longed to build a temple – a place for His Presence to occupy. Anything named "David's spoil" was allotted and set aside for the Lord and portioned out to those who helped David gain victory. The mighty men followed his example and trillions of dollars were set aside for the 'magnifical' temple Solomon would build and dedicate. First Sameul 29-30; 2 Samuel 30

The Son of David, Jesus, came to teach, preach and heal mankind which had been stolen, damaged and oppressed. Calling out "Son of David" invoked a holy covenant! Five kings held Lot in the Genesis account. Abram saved Lot. King David saved Israel. Jesus saved you and me by paying the Blood price satan demanded. The Apostle Paul was cast down, but never in despair because of this Blood covenant! Accepting Jesus' salvation today will spoil the devil's intent for you, too!

This is a time of celebration. We may eat, drink and be merry, but stay faithfully watchful! Our time and talent is essential to solving problems while occupying the territory gained when Jesus arose from the grave. He has returned us to the Garden of Eden, all sin expunged, bodies made whole and nothing but blue skies to smile at us. He clearly states, "Be watchful therefore! I am coming soon!"

Proverbs 1-5 describes our unseen wealth. Let us hold fast these sound words which sew the concepts and precepts of the Bible together from Genesis to Revelation. "The Holy Spirit and the Bride of Messiah (Christ) say, 'Come!'" Rev. 22

America's Founding Fathers were small fish in a big pond. Their one desire was to be self-governed. Each man did what he was anointed to do as 'birds of a feather flock together': fisherman, craftsmen, farmers, tinkers, tailors, soldiers, spies. Doctors, lawyers and chiefs of communication. The anointing God placed in them was refreshed and renewed, by study of His Word, to build His Kingdom on this continent.

Quality of Life in the Colonies was far above that of Great Britain. We had. Britain had not. Genesis 3. What was this wealth we had that they did not? Alex DeTocqueville, of France, came to find out. After diligent search he found it: Belief in God! Indeed, the most feared regiment in the Colonies was the Black Robed Recement, the preachers! "One generation shall praise Your wondrous works to another and declare Your mighty acts." Psalm 145:4

Next Week: Hot Feet


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