Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper
"Where the word of the King is, there is power." Ecclesiasts 8:4 We the People attended the right rally. Jesus IS King! The most historical political event of the people by the people for the people since the Declaration of Independence has just happened! Let us wonder no longer! Let us fight to take this promised land, the United States of America back to her covenant with God, declared by our first President, George Washington, and his Congress while still in session, on the day of his inaugural address, "You will be our God and we will be Your people." Genesis 17
Every fighter pilot loves CAVUWF: Clear Above! Visibility Unlimited! Winds Favorable! WE have the privilege of rebuilding America, brick by Constitutional law. In 2025 let's open the windows of our eyes, ears and understanding to the breath of God, Holy Spirit. Arise and THRIVE right in our own houses and yards. Yes, lay hold of a weapon and a hammer as did Nehemiah. Not only were the walls of Jerusalem rebuilt in 52 days, but church leadership was re-established. Precious was separated from vile in every arena so that the nation stood strong under God!
Only God can do the wonderous! President Dwight D. Eisenhower inserted these two words "under God" into our Pledge of Allegiance, July 14, 1954, the same day Donald J. Trump became 8 years old!! His father, Fred Trump, made him a millionaire that historic day. Jeremiah 29:10, 11 glowed in bright neon colors!
"The Lord says, 'After 70 years are completed at Babylon, I will visit you and perform My good word toward you and cause you to return to this place," For Jeremiah, this was land he purchased before Israel was taken captive. For us it was the days prior to the Declaration of Independence, a time of great awakening to God.
"For I know the thoughts I think toward you, thoughts of peace and not evil; to give you a future and a hope-an expected end. You will call on Me in prayer and I will deliver you.'" These words belong to you, as well, since God is no 'respecter of persons'.
Fred Trump invested in all his children giving them knowledge, wisdom and understanding of business that built the United States on a solid, prosperous rock. February 28, 2018, Billy Graham lay in state in our Capitol's Rotunda. President Trump spoke, "My father, Fred, was a big fan of Billy Graham. He took our family to hear him wherever he spoke in the United States. We remember that our nation is sustained by his prayers because he prayed with leaders." Norman Vincent Peale, author of "The Power of Positive Thinking", was the Trump family's pastor.
After four years of lawless evil, God has returned us to untold wealth: America's wealth in sound Biblical reasoning and determined purpose. The promised land required Joshua to be strong and very courageous (resolved to get 'er done). He held borders firm by an inheritance promised to Abraham's descendants. Our Founding Fathers, steeped in Bible teachings, resolved that citizens alone would elect our government AND they must be born here!
Those from among you shall build up the old waste places. You shall be called the Restorer of the Breech, a Builder of Safe Streets to walk in," Isaiah 58:12
Next Week: Sword & Sickle
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