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Delta Dawn When the Light Comes On: Week 43

A Grimm's Fairy Tale designed to reflect the heart of Man goes like this: "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty together again." Have We, The People, seen Humpty, our nation, teetering, there, and said, "Well. someday he'll wake up and sit right?" Did the Church call to Humpty and show him a way more perfect? If not, the Church left We, The People, untaught, even directed to look the other way, while the nation leaned toward social and financial ruin.

Now, Humpty the egg, didn't just crack. He fell apart at the seams! His inner fiber was exposed and his yolk nearly destroyed. Some laughed and pointed, Politicians declared protective measures that made them look good. Then, cries went up that awakened the Church. She shook off sleep, in the Name of Jesus the Healer. The Church gathered her People in the unity of faith, teaching them to tithe and give. Consider! When We, the People, are out of debt, the Church will be out of debt, causing our NATION to be out of debt! Strength rises in the Conservative inner fiber, keeping the yolk of life alive. Voting our beliefs, not our reliefs, brings a fresh breath of life to We, the People of the USA.

We find a type and shadow of this in the life of Apostle Paul, Acts 14:17-21 The Pharisees in Lystra set a determined purpose to eliminate Paul for teaching Jesus. They stoned him. As Coroners of the day, they made it official: Paul was dead. They returned to town. Understanding Paul's execution meant they would be next, the Disciples lifted Paul in fervent prayer. Paul rose, gloried God, regained strength and went back to Lystra to teach Jesus! His appealed to Ceasar, the notorious Nero, who burned Rome to suit himself. He accused Paul, who he said led 'a sect of cannibals that called fire to fall from Heaven' of the arson.

Lucifer had no tempter when God cast him from Heaven for taking on himself a position not granted to him. He became the tempter in the Garden of Eden. Since that day, satan has sought an end to Abraham's seed, Jews and Christians. Jesus' sacrifice on the Cross ended that evil hope! Nonetheless Man, lacking knowledge, wisdom and understanding, allows satan to work through his endless lies.

There is no time like the present to create a Power Pad of prayer and effort for our nation (Humpty) to stand strong as the devil's devices attack our families, churches, government, education, businesses, law enforcement and media. Three platforms are before us this election: Bible, Democrat and Republican. WE, the People CHOOSE by VOTING! Let us make our choice heard!

Further, the new President must have those like-minded in the House, Senate, and Cabinet. We, The People, are duty bound to hold them in prayer and direct their decisions by voting Bible standards. "Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in Heaven," Matthew 16:19

Next Week: No Excuse, Sir!


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