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Delta Dawn When the Light Comes On: Week 42

Today begins Sukkot. Malachi 1:2 "'I have loved you', says the Lord. 'Yes, I have loved Jacob.'" God so loves His people that He just wants to be among us. Father so arranged the fall feasts filled with figs for their healing power, olives for oil to anoint with joy and wine, blood of grapes, that we might be merry and enter rest.

"For the Lord of Hosts has purposed. His hand is stretched out and who can turn it back?" Isaiah 14:27. God used a merciless murderer, Herod, who, when he found himself financially strapped, called for taxing the people during Sukkot. This brought about the best attended family reunion in history! All the family of King David assembled in Bethlehem for feasts of Yom Kippur, day of forgiveness, and dwelling in tents. Sacrificial lambs were in the fields by night. Heaven was set to harvest 'the seed of the woman', Jesus, to defeat evil forever.

"But the Lord turned the curse into a blessing because the Lord, your God loves you!" Deuteronomy 23:5 When Adam fell, God rushed to cover the First Family with lamb skins and poured lamb's blood onto the folly of satan. He designed a way to join His fallen Children in Exodus 19, but they stood afar off. Finally, this Sukkot gave an opportunity to send His invisible Self into the visible flesh of a tiny Babe named Jesus. He appeared crying out with the Voice of Life, needing to be cuddled, nursed and cared for as any ordinary baby would be.

Now God could loose angels to announce to His brethren, shepherds, keeping the sacrificial lambs (which He would become), that He had arrived. All of Heaven and Earth sang a song they had practiced for 4000 years! Shepherds come, look fully into God's wonderful face, and unafraid, they announced the Good News across the Judean hills, "There is born, to you this day, in the city of David, our Savior Who is Messiah (Christ) our Lord!" Luke 2:11.

Celebrating the 8th day, Mary and Joseph took Jesus into the nearby Jerusalem temple to be circumcised. There Simeon saw his years of prayer answered and the blood payment to fulfill all Mosaic Law, shed. Is it any wonder that Anna told this news to all who would listen in the great city? "Glory to God in the Highest! Peace on Earth and Good Will toward men!" Luke 2:14.

Sukkot is a fine time to start a study of the Gospels, where Good News begins. Seed, time and harvest, started in Genesis 3 came into fullness at Matthew 1. Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5-7, tells us not to fear, worry, dread or draw back for He has come to bless us. Breathe in this fresh air! No matter the problem or the circumstance, your answers will be found in the Book of Answers, the Bible. Lessons from the Old Testament ferry into the future. a triumphant and glorious church Ephesians 5.

Moses put it this way when faced with dark on one side and deep water on the other: "Do not be afraid. Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you, today ." Exodus 14:13

Next Week: Humpty Dumpty


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