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Delta Dawn When the Light Comes On: Week 39

"God is good and His mercy endures forever." Psalm 136. This Psalm relates Israel's journey through centuries of time, holding fast to "His mercy endures forever." 'Mercy' in Hebrew is 'hesed' which means 'covenant'. Psalm 89:4 reminds "My covenant I will not break, nor alter the words of My mouth," That is, God can be trusted in every earthly circumstance.

October 8, 2024 begins Isreal's civil New Year, 5785. During 5784 the theme was "Restore! Open Doors and Much More.". Now 5785 is a "Hey!" or "Behold!" year; a year to 'open the windows and breathe in fresh air.' God's feasts, such as Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, are designed to remind us of His love and to confuse the enemy's efforts to engulf us in fear. "Hey" calls us to constant praise of Almighty God while we watch Him work in events swirling around us.

Bible prophesies are about Israel and the U.S.A., her ally. Jewish year 5783 (2023) predicted that 'all will be exposed and laid bare'. We watched from walls of righteousness created by Jesus' sacrifice on the cross of Calvary. A full year of Hamas horrors surface daily. Fear, confusion and deception is detected. Exposure of 'the Deep State' in U.S. politics highlights God's taking evil to turn it for good. Republicans and Democrats on one platform for the people, by the people, was prophesied years ago. A Spirit-Wind of fresh revelation and right reasoning shouts: "If God be for us, who can be against us?" Romans 8:31

Mylon LeFevre wrote the song "Without Him" in math class at age 17. He had opportunity to meet Elvis Presley when they were in the U.S. Army together. Elvis recorded the song. Mylon became richer than he ever dreamed possible. Unwisely, he took the prodigal road and nearly died of an illegal drug overdose. His life needed change! He began a 'Christian Rock' music era that scandalized the organized church and won hundreds of thousands of young people to the Lord.

Before his passing just a year ago, Mylon won many Grammy and Dove music awards, was admitted into Gospel Music's Hall of Fame and began the TV show "On The Road to Freedom" with his wife of 25 years, Christy. He practiced being a good husband and used opportunities to prosper by seed, time and harvest principles. His foundation Scripture was "If you continue (abide, live) in My Word, you are My Disciple, indeed. You will know truth and truth with make you free." John 8:31, 32 See

God's Grace did not abandon Adam when he fell from it. His authority was still intact but he didn't know how to use it! Faith without works is dead and works without faith is fruitless, as well. James 1:22-2:20, Ah, then, do not lay your armor down! Rather, put it on and slap down the face plate! A defeated devil doesn't know you from the Authority in Jesus' Name!

"For this purpose, the Son of God, Jesus, was brought forward, that He might destroy the works of the devil." I Johns 3:8

Next Week: Bows and Bandbox New


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