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Church of the Nazarene Fall Festival

A small celebration of a church making a huge impact

As part of a free celebration honoring the hard work and dedication of Sidney's Church of the Nazarene and Table of Grace mobile food pantry and mission store, community members were invited to The King's Inn in downtown Sidney on Saturday, September 21, 2024. The event offered a meal of bratwurst and hotdogs as well as live music, and a bouncy house for the kids.

Pastor of Church of the Nazarene and Director of Table of Grace food pantry and mission store, Lee Eads, commented, "We try to eliminate hunger while also allowing the opportunity to approach and know Jesus Christ; the Bread of Life offering the bread of life." 

The Church works out of Table of Grace to offer a community food panty and King's Inn downtown which acts as both a refuge center and a regularly operating motel. "We offer shelter through the King's Inn for those willing to get help through recovery and treatment. We also offer transportation and comfort to those looking to seek honest help." 

The Church of The Nazarene currently has a program every Thursday at 7 pm to help those seeking help from addiction of any kind, "This is not specific to any one addiction. We call this program, 'The Most Excellent Way,' which is Jesus and the example he leads."

The Table of Grace Food Pantry and thrift store are also operated by the Nazarene Church. "We help with food, shelter, and Jesus Christ. We also help those looking to get back on their feet." 

The pantry hours are the first, third, and fifth Thursdays from 11 am to 1 pm; hours for seniors are 10:30 am to 11 am. On second and fourth Thursdays, the pantry is open from 5:30 pm – 7 pm and senior hours are 5 pm-5:30 pm.

Donations for the food pantry are always needed and can be dropped off at the motel.

A list of much-needed food items includes:

• cereal

• canned fruit

• canned vegetables, tomato sauce and pasta

• skillet meals

• pasta sauce

• macaroni and cheese

• baking mixes such as cake (don't forget the icing!), cookies, brownies, etc.

• peanut butter, and

• boxed or powdered milk.

Personal items that are always in short supply and are desperately needed are:

• toothpaste

• deodorant

• bath soap (bar or body wash)

• diapers and diaper wipes, and

• feminine products of all types and sizes.

Working alongside Eads is his devoted and passionate wife, Sherri. "We are so much more than just the food bank," she says.

The mission store is open Fridays and Saturdays from 9 am to 2 pm. Donations for the store can be dropped off during business hours or dropped off in the horse trailer any time as long as it is before dark. They currently do not accept mattresses and anything that the dump will not accept including old TVs. They ask that all donations be clean, wearable, usable, and working. 

The Church of The Nazarene holds regular Sunday services at their chapel located at 1445 Jackson Street. Sunday school is from 9:30 am to 10:15, and church services are held from 10:30 am to 11:30 am. Their recovery program is on Friday nights starting at 7 pm.

Table of Grace is also currently searching for a part-time driver to pick up food donations three times a week from Safeway, WalMart, and Maverick. The candidate must have a clean driving record, be reliable and trustworthy, be able to pass a drug screening test, and can lift over 50 lbs. Applications may be picked up at The King's Inn, 2031 Illinois Street in Sidney

For more information regarding the Church of the Nazarene, The King's Inn, or the Table of Grace food pantry and/or mission store, call 308-765-0362 extension #3 or call Pastor Eads directly at 308-279-2958. 

Author Bio

Kelsey Arrington, Staff Reporter

Author photo

Cheyenne County native, local business owner.


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