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When someone is successful, they are more visible than when they were struggling along their path to attain their goals. Few people draw much attention while they are confronting challenges and overcoming numerous obstacles.
When a person has reached the top of the mountain and is standing on the summit, they are much more visible than when they were climbing up the side. We all desire success, however we define it.
However, very few of us relish the time and effort required to bring our dreams to reality. Our fantasy is to be instantly successful, living happily ever after, forever. Therefore, the possibility of any type of shortcut has a certain innate appeal.
The reality is that shortcuts typically don't produce the desired results. In fact, shortcuts invariably extend the journey towards success and may even derail it. Rewards come to those who are willing to expend the required energy.
Reaching your goals is like climbing a ladder. The only way to get to the top is to climb one rung at a time. A ladder with missing rungs is unsafe. In order to reach a summit, a mountain climber starts at the bottom and takes as many steps as needed to arrive at the peak.
On your journey to success, there are certain steps you must go through. Any shortcut will attract what you don't want. Before becoming reality, a goal requires a specific mix of components.
You must have enough desire. The higher the goal, the stronger the desire required. There is a big difference in results between someone who says, "I'd like to do that, it would be nice if it happens," and another person who exclaims, "I want that more than anything else, I'll do whatever it takes to make it happen."
A burning desire keeps you going in spite of setbacks, obstacles and challenges. Unless you want it bad enough, you are likely to give up when the going gets tough. Successful people have a laser like desire that keeps them focused on their destination.
Effort is also essential. Anything worthwhile takes effort. Being successful takes a lot of effort. Working hard while working smart is essential. Not only is the easy road not a route to success, the so-called easy road isn't that easy or rewarding.
Successful people never take the path of least resistance. They are more noticeable once they have attained their dreams than when they were trudging up the mountain. There may be envy of success, but never of the hard work.
Success also takes time. Exactly how much time is needed is never known. Subsequently, many people give up when they are right around the corner from succeeding. Since you don't know how long your path is, you never know how close you are to your destination, and therefore you should never give up, believing you have failed.
Shortcuts are appealing because they offer the illusion of success without effort. Again, there is no such thing. Shortcuts are in reality, pitfalls. Common shortcuts are cheating, stealing, deception, profiting while causing harm, unethical behavior, taking advantage of others, and illegal activities.
All of the above shortcuts will attract negative, rather than positive outcomes. There may be some very short-term gains, but the long-term journey of those choosing this path will be filled with undesirable consequences.
Don't look for shortcuts and don't take them if offered. Shortcuts have never worked for others, and they won't work for you. You will achieve your dreams if you are willing to take the journey. Once you reach your goal, you will be glad you avoided shortcuts.
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