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Shared Video Helps Identify Suspect in Burglary

County Attorney's Office Refuses to release name on warrant

SIDNEY-- A break-in was caught on video surveillance at Little Tornado Towing and Recovery in Sidney earlier this month, and the victim posted the video of the alleged perpetrator on social media. That action has been credited with the quick identification of the burglary suspect. On Thursday, September 5, Sidney Police Chief Joe Aiken said that the Sidney Police Department had identified the suspect and knew his whereabouts. The video showed a young man in a blue shirt and dark-colored shorts checking the entrance to Little Tornado Towing and Recovery on Hickory Street. Subsequent videos showed the man returning, wearing a different shirt and a jacket, and breaking into the building. Shortly after, he was seen leaving the building carrying stolen items.

"I will give credit where credit is due," said Sidney Police Chief Joe Aikens. "Sharing the videos on social media played a major role in identifying the subject," said Aikens.

The identity of the suspect is known to law enforcement, however, that information is not being released at this time pending an arrest.

Little Tornado Towing owner Troy Hughes was happy that a suspect has been identified, and credits his posting of the videos with the quick identification.

"I posted those videos online and pretty quickly I started getting phone calls from multiple people that they knew who it was on the video," Hughes said. "It just shows that if we all look out for each other in a small town like this, we can start putting a stop to this kind of thing. There's been a lot of burglaries around in this area."

Hughes said it was the first time his business had a robbery incident. Hughes noted that the alleged robber stole a few items, the most valuable being a DeWalt impact driver. Hughes said that he was planning on putting up more "Ring"-style cameras to get additional video coverage of the business.

An arrest warrant has been issued by the Cheyenne County Attorney's office, but as of the time of printing, the office has refused to release the name on that warrant. Although the suspect is known, he has yet to be apprehended or arrested.

In other SPD business,, Chief Aikens said it had been pretty quiet over the past two weeks, with little criminal activity to report. He did note that there have been complaints from residents around the Forrest Street area that was repaved over the summer, as the newly-smoothed roads have had some people increasing their speeds on the residential thoroughfare.

Sidney Police Chief Aikens said, "Folks need to be mindful of their speed on these new roads. They're smoother so you can inadvertently go faster than you should there."

He also addressed another topic that was talked about at the Sidney Safe Streets Action Plan meeting on August 29. Numerous complaints and concerns about bicycles and electric bicycles riding on sidewalks in the Downtown area. With many businesses with doors that open onto the sidewalk area in front of the businesses downtown, riding on the sidewalks there is particularly dangerous. Also, Aikens said that people on electric bikes should be cautious while driving around the downtown area and be aware of their speed.


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