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Delta Dawn When the Light Comes On: Week 36

"Beloved, I show you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed." I Corinthians 15:15 The Apostle Paul was explaining to a congregation of worldly-minded, newborn Christians, the liberty they lived in and the surety of the afterlife in Messiah Jesus. He presented knowledge of life, wisdom of God and understanding of a new faith-filled life. Today's younger generation is searching for truth they can trust. An excellent Bible example, then, is required of us.

In Hebrew, September is the month of Elul. It is the sixth month of the sacred calendar and the twelfth month of the civil calendar. "Elul" means to search. The shofar (ram's horn) is blown daily, to awaken sleepers to search oneself, to forgive, and repent of known transgressions. Rosh Hashanah (New Year) and Yom Kippur, (Day of Atonement) is just weeks away. Jesus told His newly reborn Disciples, "If you forgive the sins of any (including yours), they are forgiven; if you retain (hold onto) the sins of any, they are retained". John 20:23. Forgiveness and repentance are like taking off a glove. Forgiving former hurts, one acts differently. A 'turn around' (repentance) takes place! Many feuds have become friendships when people really got to know the heart of the former offender, even if it's you!

With just sixty days before elections, a search for truth becomes intense. The political platforms each candidate stands on urges Christians to search Scripture for God's Plan of government, civil and sacred. Your vote partners you with the platform your candidates stand on. You become complicit. That is, you are an accomplice in their vote at the level of authority given them by your vote!

Last month, Colorado became the Centennial State. She was admitted to statehood, alone, the result of trying to rewrite the Constitution. When still a territory, she had one vote in the U.S. House of Representatives. Thomas M. Patterson, Democrat, knew statehood would swell electors in a hotly contested election between Rutherford B. Hayes, Ohio, and James G. Blaine from Maine. President Andrew Johnson vetoed attempts for Colorado statehood after the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln because she 'leaned' Republican as anti-slavery. President Ulysses S. Grant, pressured by Patterson, signed the Colorado Enabling Act. Three electoral votes were assigned, August 1, 1876.

Colorado's Legislature loyalties were divided amid Pikes Peak's gold rush, feuds over land and Indian Wars. News of Custer's U.S. Army defeat at Little Bighorn. June 25, 1876 reached D.C. on July 4th. Therefore, Patterson presumed three electoral votes would be Democrat. However, no Presidential voting regimen was set up, so the Legislature sent three Republican electors. Rutherford B. Hayes became the next President of the United States by one, single, electoral vote!

"I give you the keys: Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in Heaven." Matthew 16:19

Next Week: Ours to Keep


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