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Service Members Needed for Oktoberfest Parade

SIDNEY-Calling all active Service members and Veterans, the Oktoberfest Parade needs you! Roland Broughton is looking to get at least one representative of every military branch to march in this year's Oktoberfest Parade with the Boy Scout Troop #90 of Sidney.

Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, as well as Coast Guard and Space Force members or veterans are asked to reach out to Broughton at 308-249-4391 if they are available on October 5th to march in the Oktoberfest Parade. it is the 50th Anniversary of the event, and Broughton is trying to make it special with representatives of all the service branches showing their pride in their service and in Sidney by participating. Broughton asks that military representatives wear their uniforms and bring a flag of the branch of service if possible. For more details, please call Roland Broughton at 308-249-4391.


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