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Delta Dawn When the Light Comes On: Week 33

"The testing of your faith produces patience, so let patience have her perfect work that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing." James 1:2-4 Ever prayed for money to come and solve your financial problem or advance your vision? James warns of 'asking amiss' 4:3. Praying without knowledge of God's promise is to invite wrong solutions. Not believing in the heart, or worse, desiring your own way, causes vision to drift into darkness and money with it.

First, understand God doesn't have money. Only people have money. They need it to transact business, provide for their needs and make life enjoyable. People often have huge dreams, saying "God will Provide". Wonderful. How? Joel Osteen, when building his multi-million-dollar worship center in Houston, encouraged his congregation: "We have all the money we need. However, it is, still, in your pockets." Then He began to instruct on the proper use of money.

Tithing, giving, seed, alms and effort. Ask for vision! Seek! Knock! Reading II Kings 4, Linda asked the Lord, "Where is my bottle of oil?" She heard the word "puppies". She began investigating and investing! She had always wanted to raise Goldendoodles, a designer breed, crossing Golden Labradors with Poodles. This breed remains one of the most expensive to purchase, $2-5,000, with grooming costs up to $120 per visit. Linda purchased two bitches which did not breed the first year. "We were grateful, in the long run, finding the sire unfit." Then, her mom gave her two more bitches. Now, as a fully accredited Golden breeder, Linda and her children are enjoying 'pouring oil' out of their 'bottle'.

It's not what God does for you. It is what you do in His Name. He gave us all a desire to serve, so find a need, plant a seed and watch it grow into something amazing. One financially destitute man went to McDonald's for a cup of coffee. He had been living like a hermit. Suddenly, he noticed a group of 4-Wheelers stopping in. His spirit shouted, "Where are those 4-Wheel plans?" He found them in his attic where he put them when his employer, Ford Motor Company, refused them. Now, he heard, "Show them, again." He nearly gave up the impulse, but then, God spoke again. Gaining courage, he approached his old boss with the old plans. Shouts of joy went up! GMC had moved ahead of Ford in the 4-Wheel drive market, but now Ford had a timely, workable, profitable answer!

The testimonies are too many to deny. God has given us intelligence, ability and creativity. Then, He provided all the resources needed to create wealth. Deuteronomy 8:18. BELIEVE Father God has designed your success! Turn off every dissenting, discouraging voice and be patient while God speeds up time for some and slows time for others so that all arrive at the right spot at the right time with the right people and the right stuff.

"Walk circumspectly as wise, not as fools, redeeming the time in this evil day." Ephesians 5:16

Next Week: Leadership 101

Next Week: Bless'um You.


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