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Delta Dawn When the Light Comes On: Week 29

"Seek first the Kingdom of God. It is God's good pleasure to give you the kingdom which is within you." Matthew 5:1-7:29 Sermon on the Mount summary: "God blesses what we do get right, which inspires us to get more right."

God has called us all to good works. It is how He uses us to love His chosen ones with what He has called them to do. This is known as fellowship, partnership and loving one another as Christ (Messiah) Jesus has loved us. John 13:34, 35

Joe had come to clear our property of unwanted metals. We would share in any monetary proceeds. However, Joe had cleared out items for which he would not be paid. I offered to pay him for his generosity. He didn't know what to charge. We discussed conditions. Finally, I said, "God will know." Joe asked, "What if He says a million dollars?" I smiled an answer, "Then, He'll provide it."

Time came to settle. Joe had left us a check with his young son, George, who had helped at the site. We found Joe's office. George dutifully handed me the check. I put it in my pocket without looking at it. Then, I opened a bag of things Father God had shown me to bring to George.

First, a Bible. George was thrilled for he did not own one. I spoke as I wrote: "George, Here is your Answer Book. No matter the question or the circumstance, your answer is in here." I signed and dated it, showing him how to use cross references and the concordance. He hugged it to himself. I said, "You must read it every day." He delightedly agreed. I gave him another book titled "Fixing The Money Thing" to read with Dad, often as possible. He nodded agreement.

Now, I took out a $50 bill. George gasped. I asked if he knew how much ten percent would be. He did. Again, I wrote as I spoke, "Ten percent, $5, is the tithe which goes to your church to thank God for blessing you. It creates a covenant between you, God and the people in your church. You are blessed to be a blessing as God tells you." He nodded. I pointed out Malachi 3:10, 11 in his Bible.

"The next ten percent, $5, is for giving." We explored various ideas for a 13 year-old, at church, at school, or helping a friend. George's eyes lit up.

I continued, "Then another $5 is to save for something you want, especially for your future." We discussed future possibilities. "Now you have $35 to spend any way you want to." George was nearly dancing! Still, he remembered his duties as office manager. He made sure I had his father's business card and personal phone number. We hugged good-bye. Frank and I departed.

As we drove away, I felt God's warm smile and heard "The Million Dollars are delivered and well received." Just as quickly, I heard the voice of a very wise man of God saying, "If ya ain't havin' fun bein' a Christian, y're doin' it wrong!" I chuckled with inner joy at an assignment carried out and well accepted.

"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6


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