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Youth Outdoors Nebraska Holds 2024 Junior Fishing Tournament at Lake Mac

A-fish-ianados Have Great Day in Perfect Weather

LAKE MCCONAUGHY--There was some worry prior to the 2024 Youth Outdoor Junior Fishing Tournament on Saturday at Lake McConaughy about the weather as so far over the weekends has not been very good, especially for fishing. However, Saturday turned out to be a glorious day with bright sunshine and cool breezes that combined for near-perfect conditions for a fishing tournament.

Youth Outdoor Nebraska had a solid group of sponsors including the Sun-Telegraph. Many supplied trophies, rods, reels, and prizes for the record-breaking 77 teams that participated in this year's tournament.

At 3 p.m., the weigh-ins started, and excitement was in the air as the kids and their partners, mostly Dads, brought their catches in to be weighed and logged. One of the first to weigh in was young Colton Canning who would end up as a big winner in the tournament. He brought in a massive catfish weighing 13 lbs and 4 ounces. The weighing-in continued, with some siblings not caring if they were a winner, only that they

were able to beat their brother or sister in the tournament.

The winners were able to choose from a variety of prizes in addition to their trophies, and the top three winners received lifetime fishing permits, as long as they were Nebraska residents. The weigh-in was followed by an awards ceremony, and the volunteers cooked up hamburgers and hot dogs for all the participants involved. A clearing behind the main building at Vans Campground was the hub of activity for the afternoon, with boaters and other lake vacationers looking at the activity at the end of the tournament.

This tournament is hosted every year over Father's Day weekend, so if you and your kids are looking for a great way to spend an afternoon and capitalize on some great fishing, make sure you keep your eye out for the announcement next year of the tournament and sign up for a great event.

The top 5 winners of the tournament received trophies, certificates, and their pick of a rod and reel for their outstanding performances. The top 3 also received lifetime Nebraska fishing permits.


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