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Yard of The Month Contest: A New Incentive to Keep Sidney Beautiful

As part of Keep Sidney Beautiful's initiative to do just that, the Yard of the Month contest has officially opened for submissions. Not limited to “in town” Sidney residents, the opportunity umbrellas out to the rest of Cheyenne County as well; whether it be your neighbor, family member, or even yourself, all residential homes are eligible for the community competition.

“Yard of the month is a fun and friendly way to show off your yard,” Michelle Haun, Educational Director for the program comments, “For those of us who work so hard, this serves as an opportunity to display all those efforts.”

KSB aims to combat the spread of trash with recycling, but that is not their only goal, “We emphasize recycling and picking up garbage, but Yard of the Month is a part of Sidney's beautification.”

The contest serves as a chance to exhibit your inner “professional” landscaper all while being awarded bragging rights as the potential winner; what's the catch? There is none. The incentive is to keep Sidney clean and pollinator-friendly; the winner receives the “Yard of the Month” sign for a month, as well as their name and picture in the Sidney Sun-Telegraph.

“My favorite part of YOTM is seeing people's faces light up when you acknowledge their efforts, that glowing appreciation makes it worth it year after year,” Haun says.

If you were a recipient in 2022 or 2023 you are ineligible for the 2024 season, but that provides avid gardeners with more time to plan ahead. “We are hoping for more entries this year. Even if you're unsure if you should enter, the more the merrier,” Haun adds. As a further bonus, all nominations will be entered into a monthly drawing for a locally sourced goody, donated by the Sun-Telegraph.

June's submissions are required before Thursday, June 27th.

If you would like to enter the competition or want to nominate a neighbor or friend, you may do so by emailing them directly at [email protected] or post it to the KSB Facebook page – Keep Sidney Beautiful. You may also call 308-249-3609.

Author Bio

Kelsey Arrington, Staff Reporter

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Cheyenne County native, local business owner.


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