Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper

"Sowing Seeds for Generations"

Annual Women in Agriculture Conference to be held the Elks Lodge #1894 in Sidney, Aug. 2, 2024

This year's Women in Agriculture conference will be held at the Elks Lodge #1894, located at 1040 Jackson Street in Sidney, NE.

Registration Fee:

• If registered by July 22: $35

• After July 22: $45

***Walk-ins are welcome!! Agenda

8:30 am: Registration, Breakfast Buffet

9:00 am: Welcome

9:15 am: Backyard Ag

by Jami Theone - Having over 20 years with NRCS as a conservationist as well as a being a beginning farmer, specialty crop grower, wife, and mom to 3 energetic boys I am thrilled to share my experiences about working with a variety of producers of all sizes, crops, and backgrounds. A special guest will be joining Jami!

10:00: Break

10:15 am Pollinator Habitat on Farms, Ranches and in our Communities

by Rae Powers - In collaboration with NRCS staff, Rae works with ranchers, farmers, and others to identify 10:15 wildlife conservation opportunities, pollination and pest control needs, and to promote am pollinators and other beneficial insects across landscapes. She has a B.S in environmental studies and an M.S. in plant ecology, both from UNL and has worked in grassland management and native seed production.

11:00 am: Just Breathe: Stress and skills for more intentional living

by Kristen Rose - Understand stress triggers, master self-regulation techniques, and discover the link between self-regulation am and intentional living. Kristen started her professional career with equine-assisted therapy. She specializes in eating disorders but has training and experience in multiple modalities.

11:45 am: Lunch

12:30 pm: Saved By The Well by Kaelyn Armstrong - 

Kaelyn is a Registered Nurse with 14 years of  experience working in long term care facilities, surgery, and emergency Rooms. It became clear to her while seeing people from all walks of life that healing physical needs was not always the most important part of healing the person. The more people she cared for the more she realized that most people just want to be seen, loved, and cared for. Through her experience and with the support of her family and many encouraging women, Kaelyn took a leap of faith and opened Saved By the Well.

1:15 pm: Break

1:30 What Happens In a Small Town 

by Kim Preston - Rural at heart, Kim has been able to live her passion for rural communities throughout her career. From policy advocacy at the state legislature to building small towns through entrepreneurship and homeownership, Kim shares resources to support resilient and vibrant communities.

2:30 pm: The Odyssey of the Oviduct

by T.L. Meyer - T.L is serving as the Beef Systems Educator for producers in Blaine, Cherry, Grant Hooker, and Thomas counties. Previously, she was at the West Central Research and Extension Center for 20+ years, working the last 16 as a research tech for a reproductive physiologist. She is professionally skilled in animal husbandry, strategic planning, science and agriculture.

3:00 pm: Closing

3:15 pm: Odyssey of the Oviduct-Hands-on


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