Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper

We Have It Rough?

If you think we have it rough today with a shaky economy, terrorists, wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, hurricanes, tidal waves, high taxes, messed up real estate values, high unemployment rates, low income to high cost of living ratio, and all of the additional etceteras of modern life in the USA – think again.

Just to put it into perspective consider poor Methuselah and all that he had to deal with:

1. A 900-year lifespan, and you think you get bored with doing the same job for 20 or 30 years!

2. How about these results of living so long?

Imagine the cost of keeping up an 800 or 900 year old home:

a. Consider the number of times he had to repair the roof;

b. The number of storms endured

c. The number of droughts experienced;

d. The number of children to buy clothes for;

e. The number of grand children to buy gifts for;

f. The number of obnoxious neighbors that moved in next door

g. The number of ill fitting shoes he wore;

h. The number of outdated robes in his closets;

i. The number of family reunions attended;

k. The number of weddings he paid for!

And this is just the beginning. How about the taxes he paid to the local government for street maintenance? And all he got out of it was sand. Then, being an elder, how many times did he have to sit on the jury, or even worse, be the judge? And guys: imagine having the same wife to listen to all those years. Or gals: imagine listening to your hubby's same jokes and stories for 900 years?

And we think we have it bad!

In spite of how bad our nation's government has deteriorated in the past few years, it can always get worse.

The next big "AND" is this: It will get worse if we keep voting into office the same old villains, crooks and liars that we have for the past 20 plus years. If the character we voted for previously did not, or would not work for you and I the way they should then boot them out of office. Quit re-electing the same old ne'er-do-wells time after time and expecting them to act differently. They won't.

The vast majority of the of those now in government, from the local, to county, to the state and the national governments seem to have one thing in mind: their own aggrandizement (i..e. their own self interests).

If the current trend continues all of us poor peons will be little more than poor peasants living day to day on the scraps that are fed to us.

We've got a national election coming up this year. Here is your chance to make a difference. I'm not all that sure America can withstand 4 more years of the way things are today. Then we will really have it rough.

Our public servants are supposed to work for you and I. These days we are taxed at a level that makes us their servants. Think about it. I dare say the vast majority of those elected to national offices make a heck of a lot more money that the average Joe and Jane Doe.


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