Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper

Letters to the Editor

I find it so very interesting to see the frequent editorials, news articles, and letters to the editor addressing the failed "tax system" Nebraska has had for many years. Does anyone stop to think before they vote? The Republicans have had control of the State of Nebraska including the Governor and the Legislature for 26 years and it has certainly gotten worse throughout those 26 years. Know who you are voting for, perhaps it is past time to try someone else, you do have choices. Separation of Powers would certainly be a benefit, instead of having Governors who continue to 'buy' Senators they control. Just a few of the spending bills that passed this year include $10 million to Sarpy County sewer project for housing development, $30 million to Creighton University for infrastructure, $1500 per student financial aid/tax credits for private/parochial schools. Last year it was hundreds of millions of dollars to build a canal in Colorado to get water that isn't there, plus many others. That is all financed by tax monies.

Bernice Russell, Gurley, NE


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