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Pony Express and Veteran's Rides Come Through Sidney


Sidney Sun-Telegraph

SIDNEY-- If motorcycles are your passion, being in Sidney on Friday and Saturday of last week was a good bet.

On Friday morning, the annual Pony Express ride to raise awareness of children's mental health issues stopped in Sidney, at Kids Korner at the Community Center. At precisely 9:05 a.m., the riders arrived at a waiting group of youngsters lined up outside in the playground area of Kids Korner. The youngsters were thrilled to see the riders on their motorcycles, and many were able to interact and look at the motorcycles. Group leaders explained that at every stop, they pick up letters from kids and others detailing the difficulties dealing with mental health issues, and the letters are secured as the riders continue along their eastbound route. Their final stop is in Lincoln, where they deliver the letters to the governor.

On Saturday, the National Veterans Awareness riders stopped in Sidney, at Love's Truck Stop, right off Route 80. About 30 riders were a part of the group, and they rested in Sidney for a short time as they made their way east. Their final destination is Washington, DC. Since 2005, the group started in Auburn, CA., and makes their way eastward, with additional riders joining the group as they go through the midwestern states towards the east coast. Group leader Bill Luft said, "This is an important ride, remembering and honoring our veterans from whatever era and service branch they served in. We always get a great turnout wherever we stop, and the event keeps growing every year."

The 13-day event goes rain or shine throughout the United States until they reach their destination of Washington, DC. Many of the participants have been involved in the ride for many years; some started as just being curious and wanting to join a ride for a good cause to becoming organizers who help keep the group together every year.


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