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"Lord, what would You have me to do?" Acts 9. This is not the first time Saul of Tarsus had asked questions of Jesus of Nazareth. I believe Saul to be the Apostle Paul, the rich young ruler of Mark 9. (The most complete picture of the young ruler, narrated by Peter to John Mark, author of the book. Peter may have seen himself reflected in this historic encounter).
There are two kinds of people; believers and unbelievers, givers and takers. Both Peter and Saul, cum Paul, would face the reality of Who they served and how they served Him. Did they believe Who He was? Not at first. To Peter He was a preacher, Luke 5; to Saul a teacher, Mark 9. To neither was He good nor the Son of God. Jesus had to prove Himself. He looked intently on both men, loved them and said, "Follow Me". Peter came quickly, Saul did not.
Friends, we all make this choice at some point in our lives. Do we believe in Jesus? How shall we, then, serve Him? According to Jeremiah 29:11 we all have a need to serve, so as to fulfill His purpose in creating us. Can we serve and keep commandments at the same time? Yes. We are created in God's image, as was Jesus, to serve by His empowerment – if we are willing and obedient, we create His Good. He blesses what we get right so we will stretch to get more right, by seeking, first, His Kingdom. Matthew 6:23
Witnesses are too many to deny this reality. Can we see ourselves as gifts from God to build up His Kingdom in the earth? Ephesians 4:11 points them out: Apostles are sent ones. If He didn't send us, how did we get here? Prophets, speak for God, and we do when we believe. Evangelists bring others to the Lord and His goodness. Parents lead a child by example. Pastors shepherd the lambs and grow them into lions for the Lord. Teachers – well, you get the point. Not listed are the intercessors, who pray for others and Psalmists who sing, write, and paint expressions of His grace-filled beauty. However, not all pioneer churches, not all bring understanding of the times, not all take to the road for Jesus, not all create a sheepfold, local church and not all are authorities on Biblical truth. Many pray but do not stand in the gap for others. All should sing, but not all should record. However, the 7-Fold minister has his or her finger on the heartbeat of God, to fulfill one or more of these offices as leaders in the Ekklesia, for we, the people ARE the Church. Our work in the ministry is vital to building up the Body of Christ. Ephesians 4:12
Honoring father and mother's teaching defines who to honor, how to separate good from evil and our social status. Knowledge defines our surroundings, sets basics of behavior, so we recognize our part in solving problems. Believing Jesus' goodness and being filled with Holy Spirit, we are equipped to overcome affliction, persecution, cares of daily life, pressures of worldly things and deceitfulness of riches.
Servants become dangerous-to-the-devil Disciples. We are the only earthly help He has! Give Him your voice and vote as a U.S. Patriot! "For he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of the diligent seeker [and servant]." Hebrews 11:6
Next Week: Remembering
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