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Delta Dawn When the Light Comes On: Week 19

"A Greater than Elijah (Yeshua HaMashiek) shall come, and He will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers. Then you shall discern (see) the righteous, one who serves God." Malichi 3:18; 4:6

One of the problems society suffers, today, is the number of fatherless (Daddyless) children. When fathers are missing, so are mothers, as Mom works overtime just to bring her children food, clothing and shelter, while she herself, is famished spiritually and physically. But Father God is on the move! These are a chosen generation. A 'Jesus movement' is under way, much as it was in the 1970s. They are coming out of the darkness of worldly living into the marvelous Light of God's Son. I Peter 2:9

Many teach "God is a Gentleman. He needs your invitation to act." Really?

Recently, I learned of a young, unmarried, living together, couple, Corey and Rose. She worked as a nanny. Corey was somewhat estranged from his father and the family company, but odd jobs are available to a willing worker Things were okay. Then, one morning Rose awoke with severe back pain. Nothing seemed to abate it, so they decided to go see a doctor at the hospital. "Well," the doctor observed, "You are in full labor. The child will be here soon."

WHAT?!? There had been no evidence of pregnancy. They had nothing for babies!! Still, a 7-pound, 7-ounce, lusty little boy peacemaker arrived! Matthew 5:9. Corey called his dad. What to do? Grandpa responded quickly, bringing a receiving blanket for his new grandson. "Whosoever receives one little child like this, in My Name, receives Me." Matthew 18:5

My prayer-partner, the great-great Grandma, continues: "Little Tucker was born just 30 days after his cousin J.J., so I call them twins!" J.J. was 40 days old and Tucker 10 days when she cradled them on her lap as 5th generation cameras clicked. All the young couple needed for their youngster appeared; basinet, 'onesies', diapers and bedding. The Operator's Manual for Children came in the beauty, and glory, of a Church-going, Christian heritage: the family circle! Luke 15's Prodigal passage features a wandering son who returns to his father and a party ensues; God has given a son, a man child, a future and a hope to us, and we are GLAD!

"Smile! Your mother gave you life!!" signs proclaim, all along the highways near Springfield, Missouri. Their van, equipped with an ultra-sound scanner, allows parents and grandparents to see baby, in utero, saving the lives of unborn children. Caring Pregnancy, NE Colorado, does this, also. Women's Resource Centers located in any community, secure the family unit - as in the Corey/Rose experience.

"One generation shall praise Your wondrous, awesome acts to another and meditate on Your glorious majesty. They shall declare Your greatness and retell the memory of Your great goodness and sing of Your righteousness." Psalm 145:4-7

Next Week: Aladdin's Lamp


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