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Commissioners' Meeting Focus on Oktoberfest and Road Updates

SIDNEY--It was a short session for the Cheyenne County Commissioners Tuesday morning, as just a few items of business were brought in front of the commissioners, with a longer meeting scheduled to discuss the 2023-24 budget, Tuesday afternoon. The afternoon meeting occurs after our press time, so details of the 2023-24 budget meeting will be in the September 14 edition of the Sun-Telegraph.

First, the commissioners approved a letter of engagement with Dana Cole and Company for auditing services. Don Wilson, who the county has used for auditing services for many years, has retired and the commissioners approved an engagement letter to retain the services of Dana Cole and Company for a budgeted amount of $18,000 for auditing purposes.

Next the commissioners heard from Glenda Condon of the Fort Sidney Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution about a proclamation of Constitution Week. Every year, the third week of September is declared "Constitution Week" and September 17 is "Constitution Day". This commemorates the signing of the Constitution and helps raise awareness of the country's founding and guiding principals. All area libraries will have free copies of the Constitution available provided by Hillsdale College.

Judy Harris addressed the commissioners about Oktoberfest, and asked them to approve a Special Designated Liquor License for the Oktoberfest Celebration. Harris said, "It's Oktoberfest, and to celebrate properly we need, pretty please?" After a few chuckles from the commissioners and attendees, the liquor license was approved.

John Fahey, manager of the Cheyenne County Keno system, addressed the commissioners with his desire to remove the "two-signature" requirement for payout checks issued by the county. There was no regulation or law requiring a two-signature system, and getting the second signature has always been another hurdle to overcome, so Fahey requested the commissioners rescind the requirement. However, the Keno system has not had a proper audit in two years, and the commissioner's expressed their interest in also retaining Dana Cole and Company for this process. The issue was tabled until the Keno audit is completed, and the question will then be addressed.

County Assessor Jordan Hajek spoke with the commissioners about a tax list correction for Money Express Tax Equalization and Review Commission settlement. She said the initial number of $545,323 for the 2021 value had been adjusted to $392,048. The commissioners approved the correction.

Finally, Road Superintendent Doug Hart brought up the county entering into an agreement with Nebraska Department of Roads for a statewide Stop Sign Program. This program is funded by the state and will update old stop signs and posts in Cheyenne County. County Attorney Paul Schaub said there are at least 40 stop signs that would be upgraded by this program. The commissioners approved. Hart then asked the commissioners to approve the Annual Certification of Program Compliance and Signing Resolution with the Nebraska Board of Public Road Classifications and Standards so Cheyenne County can continue to receive sate funds for road projects. The commissioners approved. Finally, Hart went over some specific road issues, noting that graveling has been commenced, specifically on roads 117, 113 and patches of 125. Commissioner Johnson remarked that roads 56 and 58 were in need, as "that's where all the calls are coming from." Hart noted they would be patching while they were graveling, and both commissioners Miller and Sanders pointed out specific roads in need of repair near Lodgepole and Potter. The meeting then adjourned and was slated to reconvene at 1 p.m. for discussions about the 2023-24 budget.


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