Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper


Editor’s Note:

We appreciate and encourage all Letters to the Editor. It is especially encouraging to receive them from readers outside of our community as it is representative of the faith that people still hold for community print media as a means for the sharing of information.

To Whom it May Concern,

Many Nebraskans, especially those in rural communities like mine, have been misinformed by those circulating the petition to repeal the Opportunity Scholarships Act. The information being given out by both paid and volunteer canvassers is false and meant to confuse and scare voters into signing their petition which in the end, will harm families and students across Nebraska.

In 89 of 93 counties, Nebraska families have expressed preference for an education setting other than public schools for one or more of their children. But not every family is able to afford to send their child to the school that best suits their needs. LB-753 will increase opportunities for Nebraskans to help families ensure their children receive the education they deserve. We should be doing all we can to increase educational opportunities for our kids, but this petition seeks to strip those opportunities away.

I think many feel they were misinformed when persuaded to sign this petition. I hope they know that they can remove their names. Each county clerk has instructions available for removing one’s name from the petition to repeal the Opportunity Scholarships Act. It’s worth taking that extra step to preserve a law that opens doors for those most deserving of a helping hand – the children of our middle and lower income families.

Sondra Jonson

Cambridge, NE


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