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South Elementary principal, SVFD splash into summer by soaking students and teachers in "Principal's Revenge 2023" prank.

SIDNEY – Sidney South Elementary Principal Rick Meyer and Sidney Volunteer Fire Department (SVFD) splashed into summer with prank played on students and teachers.

South Elementary Principal Rick Meyer explained the prank, which is nick-named "Principals Revenge 2023," is an annual prank the principal does for the students and sometimes teachers every year, at or near the end of the school year in his most recent YouTube video.

"We went big this year and even got the teachers!" Meyer said excitedly.

And boy – did they go big!

Meyer solicited the help of a single staff member to prank the teachers and students out of the building with a "faulty" fire alarm – which, they played off as if it was "broken" and couldn't initially shut it off. He also got help from SVFD, but having the fire chief and his crew roll up to the school in the fire truck with the lights flashing and sirens blaring – before, spraying the students and teachers with the truck hose through the play yard fencing.

"I had a few accomplices to get this accomplished – big thanks to Mrs. Hammond, Mr. Dorcey, the Sidney Fire Department, especially Dave Sanders and Van Kitt for coming out to soak the staff and students," Meyer said.

In a fun send off to summer, on May 16, Meyer successfully pulled of this years' "Principal's Revenge" at South Elementary.

Last year – Meyer also had help from SVFD, and help from the teachers to spray down the kids, however, this year, Meyer said he wanted to go bigger, and include spraying the teachers in the prank.

Meyer explains he pulled this off by tricking staff into believing there was a new district staff member working on the fire alarm system.

"Here's the set up – I told all the staff, 'Hey, we have a new safety guy in the district and kind of new to the area'," Meyer explained. Adding, "'We kind of got in trouble – we weren't doing our fire drills the right way, so we have to run a fire drill.'"

With teacher cooperation, Meyer got them all to participate, willingly, in one last fire drill of the school year.

Meyer goes on to explain how the teachers and students listened to everything and followed directions to have another fire drill – and then how he met up with a staff member to pull off the illusion of a faulty fire-alarm, before SVFD pulled up, hoses spraying the teachers and students.

All-in-all, Meyer said it was the most successful Principal's Revenge, and he wonder's how he will top it next year.


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