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Delta Dawn When the Light Comes On: Week Nine

"Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his work is done by the meekness of wisdom." James 3:13 Meekness is not timidity, but a strong resolve when under fire. Moses portrayed meekness as he went against Pharaoh to deliver Hebrews from Egypt's slavery, thereby creating the nation of Israel.

O! Friend! We have been here, before! Matthew 6:24, Jesus reveals that we cannot serve God and Mammon. Is Mammon simply material things? I Timothy 6:10 declares the love of money as the root of all evil. Mammon tells us what to do, without helping us do it. NOTE: God is Good! Satan is a bad devil! WE must choose a Jesus lifestyle!

Mike, a former NFL linebacker felt compelled to share the love of Jesus with everyone. Yes, he knew the 'two by two' rule Jesus set forth, but today, he went alone. Mike takes up the retelling: "I knew when I saw this man that he was dangerous. Only his eyes and lips moved. As I stepped onto the sidewalk he said, 'Get away, Boy.' I went forward. He growled, 'Get away!' I stepped closer and stuck my finger upward toward his nose. I said, 'I came to tell you that Jesus loves you!' Unexpectedly, he fell into my arms. We hit the sidewalk, together. He was weeping and crying aloud. 'What is it, Man?' I asked. He quietly sighed, 'No one has ever said they loved me!'"

A Joyous Report, published by The Joy Mission, had a huge audience in men's prison facilities. Several wrote their questions. I searched the Bible for answers they needed. One inmate wrote, "I got your letter last Thursday and cried for two hours." He did not reveal why this happened, so I asked. He wrote back, "You called me 'Son'. No one has ever called me 'Son'." My heart wept, as well.

Today, we, the people, must embrace courage (resolve) under the fire of government control, overreach, deficit spending, denying our Constitution, robbing our children of their parents, etc.! Jesus is Lord! His commandment shows the world (Mammon) what an army of meek, conservative Christians look like. "A new commandment I give, that you love one another as I have loved you. By this all will know that you are My disciples, when you have love for one another." John 13:34, 35; 15:12 If He said it three times, we know He expects obedience!

God pointed to Jesus throughout history and Jesus pointed to the Father at all times. Then, Jesus went to the cross. When His heart was pierced, His Blood bought a new Government, Isaiah 9:6, 7. Under His jurisdiction Man is free from sin, sickness, iniquity, poverty, lack and inequality. Holy Spirit descended at Pentecost (Acts 2). Apostles were Spirit-filled and meek with God's goodness in miraculous acts of Love. From within us, Holy Spirit brings 'witty inventions', fully equipping us to overcome the world's sensual greed and avarice (Mammon). Come! Let us stand up, fully armed, to bring down strongholds that blind minds and steal the glory of Christ (Messiah), in every area of influence: Families, churches, schools, government, businesses, law enforcement and media/entertainment. Backed by the Big Three (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), we Disciples are made wise, alert and savvy. Proverbs 15:33 "Through you, all the families of the earth shall be blessed." Genesis 12:3  Next Week: "Si, Senor"


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