Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper

Opposing LB 662

Local control and keeping our families together – essential aspects of The Good Life in Nebraska – are threatened by LB 662.

Imagine this waking nightmare: your water is contaminated, your rural road is overrun and torn up by heavy trucks and semi-trailers, your property has become nearly unlivable and so devalued that you may never be able to sell it, and your air is polluted by noise, odor, and particulates that sicken you, your family and your pets. Sounds unimaginable, right? Now, add this: you have no legal recourse against the operation that caused this nuisance unless you own a majority interest in land that’s affected by it AND your property is no farther than a half-mile from the nuisance-creating operation AND you file a lawsuit no later than one year after the awful conditions reach the level that they are considered a legal nuisance.

LB 662 protects multi-billion-dollar corporate livestock producers from legal liability for the damage they do to their neighbors except for a small class of majority property owners who also live less than ½-mile from the offensive operation.

LB 662 will:

-Restrict the fundamental right of Nebraskans to the peaceful use and quiet enjoyment of their own homes and land.

-Discourage housing development, impeding economic growth and opportunity.

-Limit the traditional and inviolable authority of local governments to decide how best to serve and protect their residents and businesses to make their cities more livable and inviting to young families whose parents would like to see them stay in Nebraska.

-Make Nebraska an investment target to out-of-state and foreign interests to own and operate nuisance-creating agricultural operations that are protected from legal liability and located as far as possible from their own homes and shores.

Please email state senators urging opposition to LB 662.

Tell them you don’t want them to take away your property rights, your personal freedoms, your municipality’s local control, and your children’s opportunity to stay in Nebraska without fear of invasion by out-of-state and foreign business interests.

Tell them to preserve The Good Life and oppose LB 662.

Nancy Meyer, Cedar Bluffs, NE


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