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Cheyenne Officials Sworn In

Some new faces among returning familiars

Mike Motz, Sidney Sun-Telegraph

On Thursday morning, January 5, Judge Derek Weimer conducted the swearing in of elected officials in Cheyenne County.

Weimers started the proceedings by saying, "This is a good day. Usually I'm here to take things apart, but today we get to put things together for the community's benefit. It's not often in my job that I get to do something positive, so days like today are always enjoyable."

Weimers then talked about the importance of the oath of office, how it is a solemn promise, just as important as taking the oath to serve in the military or marriage vows.

"An oath is an important thing. It is a promise, and it is a very serious one," he said. After the ceremony, Weimers had to leave immediately to conduct the swearing-in ceremony in Banner County.

The courtroom was packed with family, friends and city and county employees that witnessed the event and wished the elected officials the best of luck. Coffee and refreshments were served after the ceremony. The officials sworn in were Sheriff Adam Frerichs, County Treasurer Shelley Bowlin, County Attorney Paul Schaub, County Commissioners Darrell Johnson (District 2) and Phil Sanders (District 3), County Clerk Beth Fiegenschuh, District court clerk Mindy Wiegand and County Assessor Jordan Hajek.

Immediately after taking her oath of office, newly-elected County Assessor Jordan Hajek went over to her new office and met with the assessor's office employees. She was excited to get started in her new position, as she had plenty of time between the election and swearing-in ceremony to think about what she was planning to do, and now wanted to start implementing her plans.

"My first order of business is meeting with the staff and getting a game plan going for the values to be set in March. I appreciate everybody that supported me and I hope to see them come by to the Assessor's office," Hajek said.


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