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Delta Dawn When the Light Comes On: Week One

Jesus speaks, "Behold! (Wow! Look at this!) I make all things new!" Revelation 21:5 "No one puts new wine into old wineskins; else the new wine bursts the wineskin. Wine is spilled and the wineskins ruined. New wine must be put into new wineskins." Mark 2:22Switching the calendar from December 31 to January 1, does not cast away all our old sins and shortcomings. Receiving Jesus as Lord of our lives is the only thing which can do that! We become new creations (wineskins). "I say, then, "Walk in the Spirit and you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh."" Galatians 5:16

With 'editorial prudence' we will follow strategies of Kimray, a very real company with very real problems, which came to create a revolutionary, global impact in government, family, church, school, business, law enforcement and media.

Tom loved, and worked for, his faither-in-law for forty years. Kimray is a pioneer manufacturer in the oil and gas industry and very profitable. However, when Garman died, Tom discovered, to his horror, that absenteeism was at 50%, workman's comp claims were soaring, drugs and alcohol had invaded the plant, company parts were found at a flea market and there were 7 complaints against company practices. Worse, it all happened on his 'watch' the last twenty years!

Tom's HR (Human Resources) department had problems hiring, least of all maintaining, workers long enough to pay for their training. The more rules were made, the more employees invented ways to get around them. Firing on the third offense did not curb these creative maneuvers. Who knew one could sleep on the job while sitting on the toilet tank with one's feet resting on the stool?

When Garman was alive, Tom had arrived at work telling his co-workers, "I am no longer a smoker". However, Garman smoked, and when the two men sat together, going over plans, purposes and pursuits of the company, Tom often lost his resolve and smoked. One day, Tom observed Garman was without cigarettes. He asked the obvious, "Why no cigarettes, today?

"Well, Son," Garman replied, "I have seen your efforts to quit smoking, but I have not encouraged you in an excellent effort, nor shown you a good example." 

Garman's compassion evaded Tom, at the time. Years later, when Kimray's HR Director submitted his resignation because of the stress of the job, and the lack of solutions, Tom knew he needed BIG help. He called Pastor Bill.

"A wise man will hear (instruction) and increase learning (knowledge) and a man of understanding will attain wise counsel to understand a proverb and (interpret) an enigma (puzzle), the words of the wise and their riddles (mysteries.)" Proverbs 1:5-7

Next Week: The Looking Glass


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