Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper

Regarding State Board Candidates

Nebraska has always been a leader in public education, even during the pandemic. Nebraska K-12 education was considered to have had one of the best responses in the US. This was due to the leadership of our State Board of Education, the Nebraska Department of Education and the good practices of local school leaders and staffs. As of today, schools are now open to all of our students providing them a safe academic environment.

So, as school administrators, we were shocked and appalled when we read that certain candidates for the Nebraska Board of Education are supported by a group that maligns our incumbent board members by publicly claiming them as “Marxists”, “pedophiles” and “groomers of children”.  Really? Where are the facts to back up these disgusting claims? These new candidates are obviously desperate to use malicious lies to pull down hardworking fellow Nebraskans who have dedicated their time and expertise to the education of all our children.

We are hoping to stop this negative propaganda and false claims regarding members of the Nebraska State Board of Education. Our children are too important to have candidates who feel it is fine to resort to these antics, lead our state educational system. We strongly support our current educational leaders to continue to work, discuss, and lead in the Nebraska way enabling our students to continue to be on the forefront of learning.

Robin Stevens understands educational issues. He is the incumbent for the Nebraska State Board of Education District #7. Vote for him on November 8th.

The following retired Nebraska K-12 school administrators know and support Robin Stevens:

Scott Maline, Mark Norvel, Bob Tipton, Clint Kimbrough, Larry Wilbeck, Larry Casper, Cindy Huff, Mel Crowe, Jim Duval, Gale McDonald, Ken Nelson, and Nate Stineman. Jim Duval.


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