Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper

Delta Dawn When That Light Comes On

Week 36

God created us a spirit exactly like Himself.  He gave us a soul and manufactured an earth-suit for our journey here.  We are a triune being but unlike God, earth dwelling brings up a fourth dimension of reckoning: Culture’s Learned Responses.

A comedian once noted, “Getting through life is like running through a pasture without stepping in something.”  John Denver sang, “Life is a funny, funny riddle.”  Apostle Paul lamented, “What am I doing?  What I want to do, I don’t do.  What I don’t want to do, I do.  What shall I do?”  (My paraphrase of Romans 7)

Some years ago, Father gave me a message entitled “w.e.t.C.O.W.S.p.p.i.e.s.s.” Even city dwellers do not mistake the literal meaning of this phrase.  It reveals why we do what we do and what we must do to do what we’re called, by God, to become in our time on earth.  Let’s examine w.e.t.: Will, Emotions, Thoughts.

God speaks to us Spirit to spirit by Holy Spirit.  His Will contains His Character.  He designed our will to do His Will: Take dominion over the work of His hands, guard it and replenish it as He directs in partnership with Him.  Genesis 1:26-28

Emotions of God include laughter and joy, which is why He directed His people to rest and celebrate.  God declared seven feasts, or holy days, for the purpose of being joy-filled, behaving as God would behave, blessing one another with loving words and kind actions.  Father is kind, gentle and good, which brings peace (wholeness in everything) exudes joy, which is so like Him.  God is Love.

Thoughts were given that we might imagine more wonderful creations.  Problems did not exist in the Garden of Eden.  Our thoughts, however, are where the devil puts in his pitchfork.   He cannot read our thoughts, but he does pitch us stuff that looks good on the surface, and is designed to lure us into rebellion against God.  Witness the deception of Eve.  Genesis 3.  See also, Job 2:1-7

When we accept (believe) the lies satan feeds us, fearful thoughts develop, which contaminates our faith (believing) that God loves us. When we question God’s authority, we will, like Adam and Eve, rebel against His counsel. Unfortunately, such rebellion shows up as physical evidence, first, in the waistline.

Paul paints a bleak picture of rebellion in Romans 1:22, 26 “Professing to be wise they become fools. For this reason, God gave them over to a reprobate mind (filled with vile passions).” The worldly pasture we walk through and the traps we step in are not riddles, nor jokes. They are a result of choices we make. Paul advises, “There is, now, no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, for the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made us free of the laws of sin and death.”  Romans 8:1, 2 What to do? Put this freedom to work! “Be imitators of God as dear Children.” Ephesians 5:1

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