Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper

Delta Dawn When That Light Comes On

Week 34

“For God honors a man according to his work, and makes man to find a reward according to his way.” Job 34:11; Psalm 62:12; Hebrews 11:6

Honor is a character trait found hidden in the hearts of true patriots; those who value something bigger than themselves and willingly work for it, demonstrate it and even die for it.  These United States of America were founded on honoring God, solving people problems and hard, innovative, creative work.  Let us take this moment to give honor where honor is due.  (John 12:26)

The Ten Commandments are a tutorial for honor, respect, reverence and value.

#1 & 2 Honor God as God alone.  Honor no god of this world (fame, fortune, position, prestige or by placing family above His call and personal path for you).

#3 Value and honor the Name of the Lord which is embedded in every person.  To use His Name in a fruitless, empty, valueless way, is at least, disrespectful, but also sinful (missing His mark).  We are authorized by God to close prayers with, ‘in Jesus’ Name, Amen (so BE it)’.  With this authority we decree and declare His Word into the earth realm.  Our privilege is to bind and loose spirits, not men, that things be done on earth as they are in Heaven.  Matthew 5:3-17 The prudent parent teaches their children to say good, do good and respect good.  Acts 10:38

#4 Keep Sabbath, a day to rest.  This physical directive from God sustains our bodies, which, as Believers, is the Temple of the Living God.  Let us be fit and able to host His Spirit and to convey God’s Love to friends, neighbors and countrymen by DOING (demonstrating the effectiveness of) God’s perfect will.   Romans 12:1-3

#5 is vital.  Honor father and mother.   God chose Abraham because he would teach his children.  Jesus instructs in the teaching of children.  Parents are first teachers of honor toward Church leaders, school officials, business leaders, Law enforcement, media/entertainment and government.  See Matthew 18. 

These 5 commandments build a solid God-like character into individuals, so they have no malice of forethought (murder) to steal, lie, or covet what another owns. 

Rather, they train to help people as EMTs, doctors, lawyers, pastors, teachers, business owners, contractors, farmers and industrial producers of food, clothing and shelter.  Governors, Council members, Sheriffs, Coroners and dog catchers keep our communities peaceful and provide pleasant places to raise our families.

A true Patriot loves God first, Country second, then Family.  When this order is broken, the family falls victim to doctrine and ideologies contrary to freedom of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This Labor Day let us honor those who rush into burning buildings, teach children they are loved of God, ABCs and how to cope in these perilous times.  “Glory, honor and peace to he who works what is good, for there is no partiality with God.”.  Romans 2:10 

Next Week: Honor Able


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