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Public Records

Sidney Police Department

August 11

5:01 a.m., Medical Call.

5:41 a.m., Open Door/Window, 1100 block 16th Avenue.

7:12 a.m., Parking Complaint, Chase Blvd.

8:58 a.m., Injury Traffic Accident, 600 block Chase Blvd.

10:04 a.m., Code Violation, 1500 block Manor Road.

10:32 a.m., Follow-Up, 2400 block Shelby Road.

11 a.m., Parking Complaint, 800 block Linden Street.

11:11 a.m., Protection Order Violation.

3:18 p.m., Property Found, Police Department.

3:34 p.m., Follow-Up, 900 block Jackson Street.

6:05 p.m., Traffic Complaint, Parkview Road.

6:33 p.m., Follow-Up, Police Department.

6:46 p.m., Follow-Up, 2500 block Craig Avenue.

7:01 p.m., Paper Service, 2400 block Deaver Drive.

7:07 p.m., Paper Service, 1100 block Woodbridge Court.

7:09 p.m., Follow-Up, 2500 block Craig Avenue.

7:36 p.m., Assault, cold report; Police Department.

8:12 p.m., Animal Call, Conestoga Trailer Court.

10:17 p.m., Criminal Mischief, 800 block 13th Avenue.

11:03 p.m., Juvenile Problems, 1400 block Spruce Street.

11:37 p.m., Traffic Stop, 13th Avenue and Osage Street.

11:52 p.m., Foot Patrol, Legion Park.

August 10

8:06 a.m., Traffic Stop, Old Post Road and 17J Link.

8:18 a.m., Harassment, 2200 block Illinois Street.

8:25 a.m., Follow-Up, 900 block Jackson Street.

8:50 a.m., Traffic Stop, 11th Avenue and Jackson Street.

9:17 a.m., Citizen Assist, Old Post Road.

10:32 a.m., Civil Call, 1000 block 19th Avenue.

10:52 a.m., Follow-Up, 1100 block Illinois Street.

11:15 a.m., Code Violation, 2400 block Shelby Drive.

11:33 a.m., Code Violation, 2400 block Queen Drive.

12:05 p.m., Follow-Up, Police Department.

12:31 p.m., Code Violation, 2400 block Queen Drive.

1:49 p.m., Code Violation, 13th Avenue and Illinois Street.

1:59 p.m., Theft, 800 block Old Post Road.

3:25 p.m., Follow-Up, 800 block Hoffies Drive.

3:48 p.m., Follow-Up, Police Department.

4:13 p.m., Code Violation, 500 block 18th Avenue.

4:17 p.m., Unattended Death.

4:30 p.m., Suspicious Vehicle, 1600 block Illinois Street.

5:01 p.m., Juvenile Problems, Legion Park.

6:26 p.m., Follow-Up, Police Department.

6:36 p.m., Paper Service, 2400 block Deaver Drive.

6:43 p.m., Agency Assist, 1700 block Illinois Street.

6:45 p.m., Paper Service, 1100 block Woodbridge Court.

7:23 p.m., Animal Call, Legion Park.

7:51 p.m., Animal Call.

8:08 p.m., Medical Call, Western Heritage.

9:20 p.m., Suspicious Activity, 10th Avenue and Forrest Street.

August 9

1:05 a.m., Medical Call, 2900 block Upland Parkway.

1:11 a.m., 911 Hang-Up/Open Line, 1200 block 12th Avenue.

7:53 a.m., Traffic Stop, 10th Avenue and Linden Street.

8:59 a.m., Information Only, 300 block Dakota Road.

9:46 a.m., Information Only, 1100 block Forrest Street.

10:23 a.m., Citizen Assist, Police Department.

10:28 a.m., Traffic Stop, 12th Avenue and Jackson Street.

10:47 a.m., Code Violation, 2400 block Queen Drive.

11:53 a.m., Follow-Up, 900 block Jackson Street.

11:58 a.m., Agency Assist, Legion Park.

12:04 p.m., Code Violation, 1200 block Summit Drive.

1:09 p.m., Animal Bite, 14th Avenue and Jackson Street.

1:13 p.m., Follow-Up, 800 block Hoffies Drive.

1:20 p.m., Animal Call, 15th Avenue and Osage Street.

2:36 p.m., Animal Call, 2400 block Parkview Road.

4:05 p.m., Citizen Assist, Police Department.

5:42 p.m., Criminal Mischief, 2400 block Parkview Road.

6:22 p.m., Follow-Up, Police Department.

6:50 p.m., Information Only, Police Department.

7:08 p.m., Disturbance, 600 block Chase Blvd.

7:11 p.m., Disorderly Conduct, 800 block Old Post Road.

7:42 p.m., Civil Call, 2200 block Illinois Street.

7:49 p.m., Parking Complaint, 600 block Chase Blvd.

8:10 p.m., Follow-Up, 1000 block 11th Avenue.

8:42 p.m., Suspicious Activity, 1300 block Forrest Street.

8:55 p.m., Animal Call, 2500 block 11th Avenue.

9:27 p.m., Information Only, Police Department.

9:29 p.m., Property Found, 2500 block 11th Avenue.

August 8

12:15 a.m., Unwanted Party, 2100 block Illinois Street.

12:26 a.m., Disturbance, 1200 block 7th Avenue.

1:24 a.m., Traffic Stop, 15th Avenue and Illinois Street.

1:58 a.m., Juvenile Problems, Village Way.

2 a.m., Disturbance, 1200 block 7th Avenue.

5:02 a.m., Medical Call.

8:29 a.., Follow-Up, 400 block Illinois Street.

8:43 a.m., Animal Call, 2700 block 11th Avenue.

9:17 a.m., Civil Standby/Keep The Peace, 1800 block 14th Avenue.

9:36 a.m., Animal Call, 2600 block Hillside Drive.

9:50 a.m., Civil Standby/Keep The Peace, Police Department.

12:55 p.m., Theft, 10th Avenue and King Street.

1:11 p.m., Follow-Up, 1100 block Illinois Street.

2:22 p.m., Suspicious Vehicle, 1600 block 10th Avenue.

3:14 p.m., Traffic Complaint, 2900 block Upland Parkway.

4:20 p.m., Parking Complaint, Jennifer Lane and Silverberg Drive.

4:47 p.m., Traffic Stop, 12th Avenue and Forrest Street.

6:19 p.m., Parking Complaint, 1400 block Grant Street.

7:17 p.m., Threats, 1300 block Quince Street.

7:51 p.m., Suspicious Activity, 900 block Jackson Street.

8:05 p.m., Threats, 1000 block 5th Avenue.

8:16 p.m., Animal Bite, 1000 block 6th Avenue..

9:11 p.m., Suspicious Activity, 1900 block 10th Avenue.

10:12 p.m., Suspicious Activity, 600 block Chase Blvd.

10:18 p.m., DUI, Highway 138, Deuel County.

10:21 p.m., Theft, 1600 block Osage Street.

Cheyenne County Sheriff’s Department

August 10

7:50 a.m., Welfare Check, Roads 8 and 115.

8 a.m., Paper Service, Sheriff’s Office.

8:53 a.m., Information Only, Sheriff’s Office.

9:15 a.m., follow-Up, 1300 block Village Way, Sidney.

9:58 a.m., Transient Aid, Lodgepole.

10:05 a.m., Motor Vehicle Inspection, 1500 block Linden Street.

10:29 a.m., Follow-Up, Sidney Municipal Airport.

11:04 a.m., Paper Service, Clark Drive and El Rancho Road, Sidney.

11:55 a.m., Training, North Elementary School, Sidney.

12:26 p.m., Disturbance, Sioux Meadows.

12:51 p.m., 4200 block County Road 99. Talked with residents about a spray plane flying over their house.

2:46 p.m., Warrant Entry, Sheriff’s Office.

3:14 p.m., Citizen Assist, 1000 10th Avenue.

3:43 p.m., Traffic Accident, unknown injury, County Roads 48 and 111.

4:10 p.m., Child Abuse, 500 block Deborah Drive, Sidney.

4:11 p.m., Training, West Elementary School, Sidney.

4:17 p.m., Unattended Death, 1200 block 12th Avenue.

4:43 p.m., Information Only, Sheriff’s Office.

4:47 p.m. Information Only, Sheriff’s Office.

5:06 p.m., Protection Order Violation, Sheriff’s Office.

5:45 p.m., Traffic Complaint, Interstate 80.

6:35 p.m., Paper Service, 1000 block Spruce Street, Sidney.

6:42 p.m., Paper Service, 500 block 13th Avenue, Sidney.

7:15 p.m., Paper Service, 600 block Charlotte Drive, Sidney.

7:45 p.m., Village Check, Potter.

8:26 p.m., Village Check, Gurley.

8:27 p.m., Village Check, Sunol.

8:44 p.m., Village Check, Lodgepole.

8:46 p.m., Village Check, Dalton.

10:38 p.m., Traffic Accident, Unknown Injury, Interstate 80.

August 9

7:39 a.m., Traffic Stop, U.S. Highway 385.

8:35 a.m., Paper Service, 3200 block County Road 105.

9:02 a.m., Traffic Stop, Rest Stop Eastbound Interstate 80.

9:12 a.m., Paper Service, 11000 block U.S. Highway 30.

9:20 a.m., Traffic Stop, Interstate 80.

9:30 a.m., Illegal Dumping, 500 block Broad Street, Dalton.

9:35 a.m., Information Only, Gurley.

9:38 a.m., Traffic Stop, Interstate 80.

9:38 a.m., Village Check, Potter.

10:04 a.m., Animal Call, County Roads 8 and 73.

10:37 a.m, Agency Assist, 12th Avenue and Jackson Street, Sidney.

10:53 a.m., Traffic Hazard, Interstate 80.

11:52 a.m., Bond Violation, Legion Park.

11:58 a.m., Agency Assist, call for assistance during an arrest at Legion Park.

12:52 p.m., Citizen Contact, Legion Park.

2:01 p.m., Motor Vehicle Inspection, 1300 block 12th Avenue, Sidney.

2:03 p.m., Paper Service, 2400 block Deaver Drive.

2:09 p.m., Threats, 4200 block County Road 99, arrested Brian Keller for terroristic threats and use of a firearm to commit a felony.

2:10 p.m., Motor Vehicle Inspection, 1200 block 6th Avenue, Sidney.

2:56 p.m., Paper Service, Sheriff’s Office.

4:23 p.m., Paper Service, Sheriff’s Office.

4:35 p.m., Motorist Assist, Interstate 80.

5:02 p.m., Transient Aid, assisted in transporting a man to the Deuel County line.

6:17 p.m., Abandoned Vehicle, 800 block Greenwood Road, Sidney.

7 p.m., Theft, County Roads 8 and 115. A white and silver Nissan Frontier pickup truck with two occupants was reported on private property between two buildings. When they were approached, the two left south on County Road 115.

8:57 p.m., 1700 block Grant Street, Sidney.

August 8

6:56 a.m., Village Check, Potter.

7:20 a.m., Traffic Stop, Interstate 80; citation issued for speeding.

8:30 a.m., Warrant Service, Sheriff’s Office; warrant from Logan County, Colo., read to Cheyenne County Jail inmate Harley Becker, 38.

9:10 a.m., Motor Vehicle Inspection, 100 block Cabela Drive.

9:17 a.m., Civil Standby/Keep The Peace, 1800 block 14th Avenue.

9:34 a.m., Transient Aid, U.S. Highway 30.

9:47 a.m., Follow-Up, Cheyenne County Sheriff’s Office.

10 a.m., Traffic Stop, Interstate 80, Citation for Speeding.

12:37 p.m., Follow-Up, Sidney Police Department.

12:45 p.m., Follow-Up, County Roads 6 and 149.

12:54 p.m., U.S. Highway 385, Citation issued for Speeding.

1:04 p.m., Citizen Contact, spoke with a Sidney resident in the 1000 block of 10th Avenue about gravel coming off of a gravel truck and leaving gravel in yard.

1:20 p.m., Village Check, Lodgepole.

6:50 p.m., 11000 block County Road 12, Misc. Fire; fire was reported south of Sidney, fire was in Colorado.

7:26 p.m., Paper Service, 2200 block Osage Street, Sidney.

7:35 p.m., Paper Service, 500 block 14th Avenue, Sidney.

7:51 p.m., Suspicious Activity, 900 block Jackson Street.

10:06 p.m., Suspicious Vehicle, Roads 14 and 113.

10:35 p.m., Motorist Assist, Interstate 80.


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