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Village of Gurley Board of Trustees Presents Check for Purchase of AED Device

The Village of Gurley Board of Trustees recently presented a check for $3,185.60 to the Gurley Fire Department and Rescue Unit for the purchase of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) device.

The AED is a medical device used to help those experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. It can analyze the heart’s rhythm and, if necessary, deliver an electrical shock, or defibrillation, to help the heart re-establish an effective rhythm.

The project has been in the works since 2021 and suffered significant delays in receiving the AED due to supply chain issues.

The AED device was purchased with funds received from ACE, the Public Alliance for Community Energy. ACE is a community-owned natural gas supplier in the Nebraska Choice Gas program. The Village of Gurley is a member community of ACE.

ACE returns funds to its 75 member communities through its revenue return program, including the Village of Gurley. Earlier this year, the Village received $1,475 from ACE as its share of a $200,000 revenue distribution among its Nebraska member communities. Overall, the Village has received more than $21,000 from ACE since it became an ACE member community.

Each ACE member community has full discretion on how to use its ACE revenue funds to benefit their community. Funds have been used in various ways including helping fund recreational trails, community swimming pools and park improvements.


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