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Protesting for Rights

Hello, my name is Kelsey Hauge.

I am a mother of three who lives in Sidney, Neb.

I created the Women’s Rights March that was held in downtown Sidney on July 3rd. I made this decision after the Supreme Court ruled to overturn Roe V. Wade.

There are women and children all across our country who will die because of this ruling. There are circumstances when abortion is deemed medically necessary, but with the bans in place throughout the states women will not have that option.

They can be denied even in cases of rape, incest, and sex trafficking. There are states like Ohio who will refuse to let a 10 year old child receive an abortion after being brutally raped. That’s not an exaggeration, it’s a true story. She went through an unbelievable amount of trauma, and they want to force her to go through nine months of pregnancy and give birth. We believe that woman’s rights are human rights and we must have full body autonomy.

Thomas Jefferson stated that the Constitution should be revised every 20 years. Women marched, protested, and won their right to vote in 1920 with the 19th Amendment. We are fighting to have an additional Amendment instated that gives every man and woman of this country full body autonomy and equal rights.

We want to protect our daughters, our sisters, our mothers, our families, and our friends. We deserve access to basic healthcare. We deserve to make our own medical decisions. Women have fought, bled, and died for this Country. We ask for respect, and privacy.

The United States of America is a beautiful country, but we will not call ourselves free until the government decides that we are equal. Women will continue to rise up, to fight, and to make our voices heard.


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