Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper

Delta Dawn When That Light Comes On

Week 24

“Jesus is Lord of lords (priests) and King of kings and those who are with Him are called, chosen and faithful.” Revelation 17:14. “They went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them. confirming the Word through accompanying signs.” Mark 16:20. Our ‘sonship’ as children of Abba Father, joint heirs with Jesus in fellowship with Holy Spirit is vital to worldly success. Mark 14:36

Personal effort puts our hands in God’s. To do His Will causes our faith to please Him and His favor grants the desires of our hearts (Psalm 37:4). Faith resists the devil and God backs us up! He blesses what we do get right so that we get more right. We are fully equipped to accomplish all He designed us for, now, today. If not, we would have been born at another time!

Resources are physical in the earth and spiritual in the Heavenlies. Genesis 1:27-29. Fearfully and wonderfully made in HIS image, we’re given authority over the work of HIS hands in both realms. Every grace, mercy and form of justice is at our command. ‘Witty inventions’ come to our imaginations such as no one has seen before. Then, He supplies from HIS riches there all we need to build it here. Philippians 4:19. He doesn’t ask us to pay for it. He asks us to believe for it!

Our effort (stewardship) of resources (people, goods, money) added to Father’s anointing multiplies and replenishes the earth by covenant. Genesis 12:1-3 Agree with God! Faith-filled words call spiritual and physical provision from our heavenly accounts into our natural, earthly one! God, by grace and mercy, has taught us and brought us here. We are created and equipped for this time and this task!

Holy Spirit leads us gently on. “You have an anointing from the Holy One, and know all things [you need to know].” I John 2:20. “The Blessing of the Lord makes one rich and He adds no sorrow with it!” Proverbs 13:22.

Man is incapable of serving God and Mammon (Matthew 6:24). Seeking the Kingdom, then, reaps abundance, for riches and honor are with Him. (Proverbs 8:18). Needs submit when we plant financial seed. Confessing the Word over it, daily, waters faith-seed. Negativity creates weeds that choke the seed’s growth. Plan to go tell everybody how Good and Gracious God is! Boldly confess that He transfers stores in your Heavenly account to you, here, now, in this time!

NOTE: One can give without loving, but cannot love without giving. Giving with a pure heart exemplifies God, Himself. He smiles and provides. Philippians 4:10

Daily Reading: Joshua chapters 1-9, Psalm 37, Philippians 4, until confidence in God (faith) erupts in your inner man (heart) like a fire! Remember, you are loved by God, saved, healed, delivered by the Blood of Jesus, filled with His Holy Spirit, hovered over by angels and we’re here, too!

Next Week: Glory, Glory


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