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Tomorrow's Worries

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:34 This is the Bible verse my Dad wrote in the Bible that he and my Mom gave to me many years ago when I was a young woman.

I have referred to and counted on that verse many times in the years gone by and continue to hold it close in my daily life. ……one day at a time.

I have heard many of you express the same sentiment as we journey through the turmoil going on in the world today and in our personal lives.

It is a wise and normal thing to think about tomorrow and make sensible preparations but we should not add tomorrow’s burdens to today’s. I remember a very wise lady used to say to me when she was overburdened, “I won’t think about it today, I will think about it tomorrow”.

There is anxiety in the air. But, as Christians, we should lead the world in patience and brave readiness in what might lie ahead. A lot of things which we fear do not happen. We ought to know that we cannot trust our fears. They are not from God.

Most of all, we must remember the goodness and grace of God. He knows everything from the beginning to the end. He will be waiting for us tomorrow as He waited for us today. With the courage that comes from faith in God, a Christian can stand firm, trusting in Him to help us through our concerns…. today, tomorrow and forever!

Jan Knicely, Associate in Ministry emeritus

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church


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