Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper

Delta Dawn When the Light Comes On

Week 22

“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine (teaching), reproof (testing truth), for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete; thoroughly equipped for every good work.”  II Timothy 3:16 

God, The Spirit, created Man a speaking spirit just like Himself, to look like Him, think like Him, act like Him.  Genesis 1:28 and 2:7.   He fearfully (reverently) and wonderfully made a body for Man (Psalm 139) giving him a choice and a voice.  A baby’s first cry alerts the entire Universe that there is, now, another force to be reckoned with!  No person before, or who may come after, is like you.  Just as trees and stars, you have a right to be here!  You came through the proper door; born of a woman (John 10:1)!  With God we stand in a place filled with His Grace.

El Shaddai’s all sufficiency, favor and love for Man angered the anointed angel Lucifer.  He and one-third of the angels had already fallen from a coveted position with the God of the Universe. 

Adam had what he wanted, so Lucifer fathered a lie and sought out the vulnerable Eve.  He caused her to fear that she was not like God, but, he offered, “Eat fruit from the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and you will be equal with God.” 

Adam had been strictly cautioned to care for this tree but not to eat its fruit. Genesis 2:17. 

It’s been taught that Eve was created after this edict, so she was ignorant of it, and that, all animals in the Garden spoke.  Scripture does not uphold either theory.  Holy Spirit spoke through Balaam’s donkey in Numbers 22, and certainly speaks through you and me, today!  As a spirit, Lucifer needed a body to speak through.  The cunning snake was handy.

Lucifer became satan (The Adversary) in luring God’s children away from Him.  Eve, thinking for herself, chose to eat the fruit.  Adam was with her and he ate.  Adam erred in blaming Eve for his lack of obedience and leadership. 

Eve honestly reported, “The serpent deceived me and I ate.” Genesis 3:9-13.  With no wisdom from God, they could not understand the outcome of their choices.  Their Spiritual death separated all of us from God, condemning succeeding generations to live under satan’s lordship for the 6,000 years of time God had given Adam. 

Adam fell from God’s Grace, but never from God’s favor. He sent Jesus to die on the cross, and rise again “to destroy the works of the devil.”  I John 3:8 

Jesus reconciled us, again, to our Creator, Elohim.  Nothing we humans can do will make God turn on us.  He loves us!  Love Him back, right there wherever you are!

“For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son that whosoever believes on Him should not perish but have everlasting Life.”  John 3:16  

Next week: Bull Pen


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