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Leyton Warriors Compete In State Meet

Leyton's Warrior Track and Field team sent 11 boys and five girls to the State Meet in Omaha at the end of last week, and had some outstanding performances and a few medal wins.

For the boy's team, junior Justin Ernest placed 13th in the 800 Meters, 12th in the 4X100 Meter Relay, 10th in the 4X400 Meter Relay and 9th in the 4X800 Meter Relay. Junior Gabriel Tretter placed 9th in the 1600 Meters and 3200 Meters, and placed 9th in the 4X800 Meter Relay. Senior Jonathan Borges placed 17th in the Shot Put, junior Logan Bartling placed 19th in Discus, junior Dawson Juelfs placed 14th in Pole Vault...


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