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Delta Dawn When The Light Comes On

Week 19

Jesus found favor with God and with man as He submitted to His parents, for God’s favor follows a humble heart.

The favor of God works in imagination with power. Disorder robs time, peace of mind and clarity of thought. Whatever breaks your stride, slows you down or distracts you from essential tasks is disorder.

Habits hobble or hasten. It takes just 21 days to break a bad habit or to acquire a healthy habit. Remember ‘resolve’ and ‘courage’ go together. Proverbs 12:24, 27 “The hand of the diligent rules, for diligence is man’s precious possession.”

One lady, desperate that her life was slipping away without any obvious purpose, cried out to God. “Clean up! Clear out!” came the stern reply. Starting with just 20 minutes, each day, she listened to motivational speakers and read successful biographies. She heard ideas and saw visions she had not considered before. One year later, she exclaimed, “I have lost 70 pounds, started a business and bought a new home, debt-free!” Proverbs 13:4 “The soul of the diligent shall be made rich”.

Consider these strategic categories: Keep, give away, sell and trash. Resolve to pursue, perfect and present a clutter free home, car or office. Keep what is dear to you, give away precious items to precious people, sell the useful, trash the rest.

“Walk in wisdom … thus redeeming the time.” Colossians 4:6. Putting it back where you found it restores order and saves time spent looking for glasses, shoes, car keys or TV remotes. A home deposit zone for keys, coats, wallets, sunglasses, etc. when coming in is a blessing when going out! Do it right the first time and escape ‘wasted time’ traps. An orderly routine saves time and finds money.

Miraculous things will happen. Lost money appears in pockets, checks show up in drawers, unopened gifts yield sweet surprises. TIP: Never panic over ‘lost’ items. Automatic action by-passes short term memory. Make a strong, tight fist as you put ‘it’ down. Ask Holy Spirit to help! He knows exactly where ‘it’ is. Send angels to fetch and bring ‘it’ to you or take you to ‘it’! You’ll remember.

In calm consistency lies the power to excel! Psalm 112. Push “Play” to learn while working, driving or getting ready for work! Concentrated, daily effort trains responses to gain and retain order. Stick to priorities. ‘Rabbit trails’ distract from the target. Take 30 seconds to return items to their proper place, then refocus on your strategic plan. “The soul of the diligent shall be made rich.” Proverbs 13:4

Our lady says a thankful heart is the turn-key. She began a daily log of things she was thankful for. Complaining not allowed! This awareness triggered hope which ignited imagination, creativity and anointing (gumption) to get ‘er done. Truly, the Lord’s favor will decorate your life! “Blessed, happy, and to be envied is the man (woman) who keeps order”. Proverbs 29:18 AMP

Next Week: Honor Dew


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