Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper

Delta Dawn When The Light Comes On

Week 18

Hunters and photographers buy a high-powered telescope or zoom lens so they can draw a good ‘bead’ on their target. 

Now that some primary voting and ‘plank pushing’ has taken place, it is time to get to know the candidates, the platform planks they stand on and their proposals to defeat Marxist Agendas. 

Do not trust mainstream or social media.  Listen, and look deeper.  Uncover the true patriots for 2022.  “Study to show yourself approved”. II Timothy 2:23; Psalm 127:1

Notoriously, Mid-Term elections garner very little attention from all parties.   States must stand up for their Constitutional rights, Governors, Attorneys General, Secretaries of State, Treasurers, and State Senators and Representatives are elected Mid-term.  U.S. Senators serve six years but ALL U.S. Representatives are elected every two years.  What agenda is set forth their 2020 Platform decree? 

Law enforcement, in New York City, finds it difficult to cull eye witness details in emergencies because excited, nervous witnesses revert to their native language.

This reveals a truth: When pressured, candidates will hearken to their early training, which in turn, will influence votes cast on every other issue.   Learning of a candidate’s upbringing concerning God, the Bible, marriage, and life of the unborn, gains important insight about how a candidate will vote.  

Backyard barbeques are great!  Invite a candidate to a venue you provide. Summon everyone you know to the event.  Look ‘em in the eye, observe their interaction with people, watch for gluttony, listen for “idle chatter that tends to poverty” and so forth.  Consider issues of concern, research your subject, check voting records if there is one, validate endorsements.

One candidate, in his fervent remarks, used a parlor prohibited and emotional expletive.  A God fearing, 4th generation rancher, this veteran of foreign and domestic wars, speaks my language! His ‘hard-nose’ has been tested in public service, and is found trustworthy and honest.  He will not be easily swayed by the ‘be nice narrative’ which serves to remove resolve from even the most sincere, elected official. 

Without resolve (courage), he/she may falter when pressured. A determined purpose to do things right because they are right and get ‘er done right, no matter who dissents, will conquer Capitol Hill with God empowered character!

Ask God who He endorses. Check Judges, I & II Kings for Biblical solutions to similar days and questions. When satisfied, put some money in his/her hand, offer to pray for the family and work for the campaign. “Choose out, from among you able bodied men and women who fear God and hold to truth, to place them as rulers.” Exodus 18:21. When the righteous rule, the people rejoice. Proverbs 29:2

Next Week: Order Up


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