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Religion or Relationship

God never intended for there to be all the different religions or denominations

From the beginning GOD wanted relationship with his most perfect creation man (mankind).

In Genesis 1 GOD went looking for Man in the garden in the cool of the evening, this denotes GOD was relational, he went looking for man to have communion with him.

God again wanted relationship with man when the children of Israel were in the wilderness, and he invited the whole nation to ready themselves and come up onto the mountain and meet with him, but they chose to let only Moses go up.

In the New Testament, in John 3:16, it says how much GOD loved the whole world, that he sent his son to save the world.

Jesus we relational he chose 12 men to have a relationship with, wherever Jesus went they went as well, Jesus taught them what they needed to know, Jesus was their teacher and their friend, he saved them on more than one occasion. Jesus loved and his friends, when Lazarus died Jesus wept, but better than that he did the miraculous for his friend and raised him from the dead.

GOD has always wanted to have a relationship with man, but it’s us who turn away. GOD made a way to spend ALL eternity with him, by giving his son in our place. In John 14 Jesus states he is going away to make a place for us, and if he goes, he will come back to get his Bride (children & friends). Jesus states that he is the way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes to God the Father but through him.

So why not spend all eternity with him by receiving Jesus, as your Lord and Savior, it’s your choice.

Respectfully Submitted

Peter D, Morgan, Pastor

New Heart Fellowship A/G


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