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Celebrating Century Mark

In 2019, the American Legion Auxiliary celebrated 100 years of service. This year, in 2022, American Legion Chapter 17 in Nebraska celebrates its century mark.

On March 15, the American Legion Auxiliary Chapter No. 17 held a celebration of its 100 years in service. The dinner and ceremony were held at Grandma Jo's in Sidney.

The evening opened with The Pledge of Allegiance, the American Legion Auxiliary Preamble. Followed by recognition of officers of the Auxiliary and of the Legion. The American Legion Auxiliary Preamble is almost like a mission statement, outlining the organizations goals and purposes. Among it's purposes, the American Legion Auxiliary calls its members to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, maintain law and order and to foster and perpetuate a 100 percent Americanism.

The evening included the Empty Chair Program. The Empty Chair Program is a program conducted in remembrance of those who did not return from service. Each part of the presentation contains symbolism: the round table, the empty chair, the red rose, bitterness of the lemon slice, salt in recognition of tears, the Bible for the values supported. It is a ceremony to recognize those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service.

The Sidney American Legion Auxiliary No. 17 was chartered and instituted on July 28, 1922 in Sidney. At the Nebraska American Legion Auxiliary Convention held Aug. 17, 1922 in Lincoln, United No. 17 was presented its Charter. President was E.B. Penney and secretary was Leah Ball. National President of the American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) at that time was Edith Irivin Hobart and the National Secretary was Pauline C. Curnick.

American Legion Post 17 was one of the first 15 applications to the Department as listed in “History of the Nebraska American Legion” by Frank Boyd O'Connell and published by the American Legion Department of Nebraska in 1922. The charter is signed by 58 members of the Sidney chapter. The first officers of Sidney Unit No. 17 were President Jenny Armstrong, 1st Vice President Helen Ledbetter and Second Vice President Rose Golding.

When an Auxiliary Chapter is chartered, it carries the same number as the Legion chapter it is affiliated with.

This year the Sidney Auxiliary Unit is sponsored four students to Girls State; three from Creek Valley High School and one from Sidney High School.


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