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Dangerous Times

It’s amazing how quickly changes in the global landscape occur.

Canada went from a representative parliament government to tyranny in a matter of days. Vaccine and mask mandates were supposedly settled science a few weeks ago, but are now dropping like flies sprayed with insecticide.

And a peaceful, but tense relationship between Russian and its neighbors turned into the biggest war in Europe since 1945 overnight.

The result is a world losing faith in institutions and a high degree of uncertainty about the future, neither of which is conducive to economic stability.

A wise man once said a house built on sand is destined to fall in the face of adversity, whereas a house built on rock will stand. America was founded on the rock of a constitution created with a framework of Judeo-Christian principles, but that rock has been chipped away at by political and judicial activism advocating for a separation from the very principles that made America great.

This has resulted in a self-absorbed nation elevating woke nonsense to the forefront of the national narrative with complete disregard for far more important things to address such as record inflation, loss of work ethic, destruction of the family, abandonment of churches, and the fact that evil still exists in the world.

That evil is manifest in images coming from Ukraine where free people are taking up arms against Russian invaders. If ever there was a real-time infomercial for the necessity of the right to keep and bear arms, we’re seeing it now in youth and grandmothers posting selfies with AK-47s vowing to take as many Russians with them as possible. I’ve also seen footage of a civilian bicyclist blown away by a missile, a civilian motorist run over by a tank, and a family with two dogs gunned down in a minivan.

In the face of such atrocities, global elitists openly lament the Russia-instigated interruption of their plans for a Great Reset of the planet’s economic, political and social structures.

Our Climate Czar, John Kerry, is on video saying he hoped Russian President Putin would stop the Ukraine invasion because it was a distraction from the more important problem of climate change.

And we certainly can’t have any wars interrupting the diversity and inclusion training programs now underway in our military.

Between emboldened tyrants and idiotic incompetence in the West, the world has entered dangerous territory. I’m always cautious when discussing End Times prophecies, but couldn’t help but reflect on the Four Horsemen mentioned in Revelation 6 as I considered recent news events.

The prophecy says we can expect the Great Tribulation to begin with a conqueror invading other countries, societal breakdown resulting in unprecedented person-on-person violence, famine and inflation pricing food beyond the reach of many, and widespread mayhem caused by pandemics, food shortages and animal attacks.

Did you know shark attacks were up 42 percent from average in the U.S. last year? Aggressive bear incidents are up as well, but don’t worry. That’s caused by – wait for it – climate change.

So now that we’ve got cheery headlines telling us World War III could happen at any moment and the Doomsday Clock hands have shifted to a few seconds before midnight, you might be asking what we’re supposed to do about all this. That sage advice comes in next week’s column.


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