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Oh Canada

You can’t be blamed if you’ve not heard about the massive demonstrations and protests underway in Canada because most media outlets and social media platforms are doing all they can to block the spread of news about them.

In spite of this, the protests continue and are spawning similar actions across the globe from Europe to Australia.

It began as a protest involving thousands of truckers when the Canadian government imposed draconian measures it thought would prevent the spread of COVID-19.

We’re told they are demonstrating against vaccine mandates, but that’s a partial truth because more than 75 percent of Canada’s truckers were already vaccinated when the protests began. The big mandate that triggered rage among Canada’s truckers was a requirement that they quarantine for several days after each crossing they made from the U.S. into Canada. Truckers don’t make money when the wheels on their rigs aren’t turning.

Many make the border crossing several times a week and depend on their livelihood by doing so. Any quarantine mandate involving border crossings hits truckers and trucking companies right in the income ledger.

So Canada’s truckers flocked to their nation’s capital in Ottawa, Ontario, resulting in huge traffic jams making local road travel nearly impossible. Elsewhere, key bridges and border crossings were blockaded by parked trucks. There was a groundswell of public support for the movement initially with those in support of the truckers bringing food and necessities, and spontaneous barbecues, block parties, music and dancing made the protests as festive as they were political.

The authoritarian government of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau responded by saying the truckers were Nazis, anarchists and even transphobes, in spite of absolutely no evidence of any such sentiments among those protesting. A crazed man drove a vehicle into a crowd, but he was later revealed to be an Antifa member.

National monuments were reported to have been badly vandalized and desecrated, but the truth is that some moron (we don’t know who) threw poop on a statue. Perhaps most shocking was Canada’s Prime Minister chastising the protesters for having “unacceptable views” that would not be tolerated. Then he went into hiding at an undisclosed location.

Big Tech and Big Business cracked down on the protests when a GoFundMe account was closed after more than $10 million in donations had been pledged to help the truckers get food, fuel and other necessities.

Donors switched to GiveSendGo, an alternative to GoFundMe, but then the Ontario government petitioned a court to stop distribution of those funds, and GiveSendGo was hacked by activists who published a stolen list of those donating to the truckers.

Events in Canada show us all how the clearly coordinated efforts of authoritarian government, media, tech and banking are being used to crack down on dissent.

We should all study events happening in Canada now to learn the tactics employed by tyrants because I predict it won’t be long until freedom-loving Americans will need to know how to counter them here.


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Rendered 06/27/2024 21:51