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Delta Dawn When the Light Comes On

Humility is no one’s favorite word.  Its opposite, ‘arrogance’ is detested!  Humility may be defined as “acknowledging that achievement results from the investment others make into my life.”  Young adults often report, “The older I get, the smarter Dad and Mom get to be.”.

Humility is, also, associated with “submission”.  Dislike of this word may come when Organizer precepts of leadership are misapplied.  Very organized leaders may become bossy, persnickety and territorial when visualizing the outcome of a project, effectively using resources available in order for everyone to succeed.

James 4:6-7: “But God gives more grace.  He says, ‘God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. Therefore, submit yourself under the mighty hand of God.” 

 Humility is the heart’s part; something only we can acquire by submitting to ‘that Rock that is higher than I’ as King David points out in Psalm 61:2

My Dad helped build Pacific One highway along the west coast of California.  Dad drove his favorite vehicle, a D-9 Caterpillar, all week long, smoothing truckloads of gravel and dirt, which was overlaid with tons of concrete.  We acquired a brand new, black, 1946 Dodge, four-door sedan.  The rear doors latched at the front and opened toward the rear.

Dad would come home and we would take the car to see all the new technology in highway building.  One could drive 60 miles per hour on this surface!  Dad had demonstrated such a wonder, one weekend.  My older brother and I sat in the back seat with Lil Bro, about 11 months old, on Mother’s lap.  As we gained speed, Lil Bro reached down and unlatched the back door.  Wind abruptly caught the door, flinging the baby behind our speeding car.  Dad screeched to a stop.  We found Lil Bro lying in the sandy bar ditch unconscious.  

Taking up Lil Bro, we laid him on a couch at Grandma’s house.  I was cautioned not to touch him while the adults went for coffee!!  I persisted.  “Is there someone bigger to help?”  “No, no.  Just leave him alone.”  I watched from across the room.  Was he breathing?  Was he alive?  Where could help come from?  I crept over and touched my baby brother’s little hand.  His eyes popped open!  He screamed in fright!  I ran for fear of punishment.

In that moment, “Somebody Bigger” dawned on me as a Faithful Friend.  Best of all, He held my concerns precious and taught me to discern truth from worldly lies.  Years passed before I learned His Name: Jesus Messiah of Nazareth. 

Lil Bro is a robust, successful rancher, Grandpa to 9 young people he blesses in the Name of Jesus, every day.

“Come unto Me, all who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”  Mathew 11:28

Next week: Humble Founders


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