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2022 Beef Feedlot Roundtables Set for Feb. 22-24

LINCOLN – Beef feedlot managers, owners, employees and allied industries will learn new information related to feedlot price reporting, health, labor and sustainability at Nebraska Extension’s 2022 Beef Feedlot Roundtables Feb. 22-24 in Bridgeport, North Platte and West Point.

University representatives will speak on new price reporting and risk production strategies, and economic impact of feedlots and the beef industry in Nebraska. As traditional, a portion of the event will be focused on feedlot cattle health with presentations by university and industry professionals on the impact of delayed vaccination on feedyard health and developing a health program based on research data.

Employee management and concerns are always important, but especially in recent times. The new feedyard labor survey was recently completed, and new employee focused programs will be highlighted including employee training modules and ways to sustain your operations.

New research pertaining to beef sustainability and the beef industry as a whole will be shared. A Nebraska research update from Extension professionals Galen Erickson, Pablo Loza, or Alfredo DiConstanzo will conclude the program. Topics from recent beef reports with work focused on improving feedlot programs will be highlighted plus some current issues.

Pre-register for the roundtables online at by Feb. 18. Cost is $20 at the door.

Registration begins at 12:30 p.m. with each location with welcome and introductions at 1 p.m.. Roundtables will conclude at 4:45 p.m. and refreshments will be served at the meeting.

Exact dates and locations are as follows:

BRIDGEPORT: Feb. 22, Prairie Winds Community Center, 402 N. Main St.

NORTH PLATTE: Feb. 23, West Central Research Extension and Education Center, 402 W State Farm Rd.

WEST POINT: Feb. 24, Nielsen Community Center, 200 Anna Stalp. Ave.

For more information or to request a registration form, contact Galen Erickson at 402-472-6486 (Karen) or email at [email protected]

2022 Beef Feedlot Roundtables are sponsored by Nebraska Extension and Iowa Beef Center along with support from Elanco Animal Health.


CONTACT: Galen Erickson, Beef Feedlot Extension Specialist, Nebraska Extension

402-472-6402 or [email protected]


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