Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper
Let’s start the New Year by reaching into the past.
As we look ahead into 2022 I’m reminded of a 1960’s Bob Dylan song: “The Times They Are A Changing.” Dylan tended to be a bit morbid with some of the lyrics he wrote for this song. Among them is this line from the first verse: “Then you’d better start swimmin’ or you’ll sink like a stone for the times they are a-changin’.” I’d like to quote the entire song, but space does not allow. I suggest you look ‘em up on line.
I won’t call him a prophet, but some of the lines in the song relate to America’s current moral and ethical condition. The song presents listeners with choices that they will face in the near future. Unfortunately Dylan all too accurately forecast what today’s America would be like – “Come mothers and fathers throughout the land and don’t criticize what you can’t understand. Your sons and your daughters are beyond your command. Your old road is rapidly agin’. Please get out of the new one if you can’t lend your hand. For the times they are a-changin’.”
In other words, if you cannot agree with and support the current political, societal and moral down trends then shut up and go away.
The song talks about violence towards those who do not agree with the radical agenda he proposes. Sound familiar? Like the Teacher in the Bible wrote centuries ago, “There is nothing new under the sun.”
Many in our national news media would shout for joy if those of us who believe in the founding truths of equality and justice as described in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States would shut up and go away. What they, along with many so-called progressives are demanding requires the demolition of your God given rights as a citizen of America that are delineated in those two documents. They would substitute an arbitrary set of rules that would relegate the vast number of us to serfdom. No rights, no freedoms, no anything except what would be given to us by the ruling class, and we’ve already had a taste of that with the Covid lock downs.
They would rather substitute “equity” for “equality under the law.” (Equity and equality ARE NOT the same thing.) To achieve equity the all-powerful rulers would take all of your hard-earned items of value (earned cash, savings and property), pile it all into one big bin and then dole it out to whomever they please. Supposedly everyone would receive an equal share.
The lie behind this process of equalization is in the false assumption that everyone has equal abilities, equal desire to work, and equal needs. None of which is remotely a part of reality. Even in a world of slaves, such as was in ancient Egypt, no two slaves could work the same, no matter how hard the slave drivers pushed them.
Another interesting verse in the song states: “Come senators, congressmen please heed the call. Don’t stand in the doorway. Don’t block up the hall. For he that gets hurt will be he who has stalled. The battle outside is ragin’, will soon shake your windows and rattle your walls. For the times they are a-changin’” Talk about reverse accusations! These days it is the leftist senators and congressmen that are accusing their political adversaries of forming the blockades preventing their radical programs from being made a reality. God help us if the current budget and other radical left ideas are passed.
If those of us who cherish our freedoms and God given right to raise our children according to our choices do not stand up on our hind feet and fight this trend… well, I think we will witness the fall and disintegration of America and all that it once stood for.
Freedom will be ground under the iron heel of a dictatorial central government the likes we have never seen in this nation. Write, call and badger the daylights out of our Senators and Congressmen. Tell them to stand up for us for a change and stop catering to the elites.
The times they are a changing… how they will change is up to each one of us.
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