Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper

A Time to Stand

Last week I wrote about ESG scores and what they mean for business now, and soon could mean for individuals.

ESG scores are just the latest mile marker on the road to a utopia planned by collectivist and globalist elites in which they rule the world and we serve as happy minions that are mere cogs in the machinery making the world run.

In exchange for passive servitude, a large centralized government will promise security, peace and unparalleled convenience. They envision a world in which “people will own nothing and be happy about it.” Last week I also promised to write about what we can do to stop this.

I’m not certain we can. Scriptures predict a time in the future where a strong, secular authority sets up a world government system (along with a world religion), so the collapse of any strong, democratic representative republic such as the U.S. would be necessary to make that happen.

But since such a world is prophesied prior to the return of Jesus Christ, and scripture is clear that nobody knows when that will happen, it is incumbent upon those of us who cherish the system of government our country was founded on to resist any global collectivist efforts as if Jesus’ return is still a ways off. But how can we do that?

We recently saw an example of effective resistance in off-year elections in Virginia and New Jersey. Candidates backed by collectivist progressives (CPs) were annihilated at the ballot box in an uprising of voters from all parties who finally saw the light when it was discovered a key element of CP doctrine is that children belong to them as “future citizens of the world” and not parents.

When it was declared by arrogant CP candidates and their supporters that parents should have little or no role in the education of their children, parents revolted by flocking to candidates who believed otherwise.

This was only made possible by mistakes on the part of CP candidates when they said the quiet part out loud on video that went viral. The lesson here is to record all candidate appearances in our communities and be ready to hold them accountable.

We must also identify people in our communities who value individual and religious liberty, personal responsibility, and the principles our nation was founded on.

Then we must encourage such people to run for every local office that’s open from city councils and school boards to county commissioner, as well as other county and town positions on the ballot next election. This is what the enemies of liberty have done by counting on people to be uninformed about down-ballot candidates, which has allowed CPs to spend lavishly on putting their people into many district attorney and county prosecutor positions around the country. Effective resistance must start at the local level.

Finally, we must strongly support and come alongside people who take a stand. If a county commissioner, sheriff, judge, teacher, pastor or anyone else defies mandates or rules that are in conflict with basic constitutional rights, we must strongly support them by vowing to employ those who risk their jobs, help their families however needed, pray for them, and echo their resistance in our own public-facing platforms. If enough Americans do this, the CP platforms, plans and programs could be swept into the dustbin of history where they belong.


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