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Finding a Place

In today's world there is a lot of Fear, confusion, and anxiety, so where does one turn to find Peace of mind, focus, and rest.

In John 15 the Word of GOD talks about abiding in Christ. word Abide  has several meanings, to remain, to continue in, to endure Bravely to stand or make a stand, IF abide in Christ, who is the source of Life we will produce a Godly Character, we will find peace for our souls and Spirit

if you choose to personally stay connected, (have a relationship) you will find that Peace that passes all our understanding, that will guard your hearts and Mind (Philippians 4).

Staying close to GOD, during these trying times will help you make the right Choices, for your life. If you don’t remain close to GOD then all the fear, confusion and Anxiety creeps in. In 1 Peter the word says to cast all your cares (worries and anxiety) on Him (Jesus) because he cares for you.

So, instead of running around like you don’t know where to turn, turn to the ONE who has ALL the answers, and will bring you peace

Choose to ABIDE in GOD (JESUS) the lover of your soul, and find what you are looking for.


Peter D. Morgan, Pastor

New Heart Fellowship A/G


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