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I’m seeing things happen in America today that point to the end of the republic as envisioned by our founders.
Collectivists have assumed control of the government, education system, media, corporate boardrooms and even large denominations. As a result, collectivist ideologies are now being forced on everyone, and anyone who resists is “banished” from society as surely as those exiled from kingdoms in the past were for failing to swear fealty to the throne.
Our founders envisioned a collection of largely independent states held together by a core of common values and united under a federal government, the task of which was to “establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.”
Today we have a broken justice system, no domestic tranquility, a humiliated and demoralized military, an obsession with general welfare, and what liberty we had is being suspended by the federal government in the name of a “public health crisis” involving a disease with a low mortality rate for the majority of those who get it. As the founders put it, and I paraphrase, we can have liberty or safety, but we cannot have both.
For the first time in our nation’s history, we can see how the prophesied “mark of the beast” will work. The interconnected power of business, government, banking and media now can utterly destroy a person with a few computer entries. I’m now convinced that the Covid-19 shutdowns, restrictions and rules are a “test run” to see how Americans would respond.
By that I don’t necessarily mean this behemoth of collective power is involved in an organized conspiracy on the part of some global group or organization, but rather that leaders are acting collectively as Godless secularists would, resulting in predictable outcomes from what is known of human behavior. Our reaction to government mandates, I believe, is being closely monitored by those who do have far more nefarious intent so as to gain understanding about which buttons to push that would completely subjugate the populations of nations. And witless bureaucrats in positions of authority are blinded to this by their own thirst for power and wealth.
Here is where we get to the crux of the matter. Today most people believe humans are inherently good. Pop culture, secularist education and collectivist propaganda have taught them this lie. The Bible teaches than humans are fallen from their original perfection and destined to do progressively more evil unless that tendency is checked and either repentance is sought or destruction attained. In Biblical terms, the word repent means to turn 180 degrees from a current path.
When you look at what’s going on in our country, I hope you can see the need for national repentance because the road we are on leads to the destruction of America from within.
Only by turning 180 degrees from collectivism and turning to God for individual repentance will bring the slowing of the spiral of decline we now find ourselves in.
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