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Sidney Cross Country Excels In Scottsbluff

The Sidney Cross Country team started the season in strong fashion, dominating the standings at the Panhandle Classic at Riverview Golf Course on Thursday, August 26. The Sidney Boys took first place out of 9 teams, with a score of 18. Senior Cameron Brauer led the pack for the boys, with a first place finish at 17:07.62. Seniors Dan Bashtovoi and Mitch Deer finished fourth and fifth at 17:39.08 and 17:39.81.

The Sidney Girls finished second with 30 points, behind first place Chadron with 24 points. The girls were led by sophomore Talissa Tanquary who placed second with a time of 20:48.99. Senior Lydia Peters placed fourth with a time of 21:34.43 and sophomore Jenju Peters placed 10th with a time of 22:32.07.

Sidney Head Coach Donna Wiedeburg was ecstatic with the performance of her team, saying, “I think the kids were bored of running around Sidney and racing one another and they showed up today big time! We had almost every single runner improve their time from last year's Panhandle Classic. I am so proud of all of these kids and this program. We are going to get back to work and excited to see how we compete next week at Western Conference in Gering.”


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